Hey... look what I have :)

Had to have it special ordered... great customer service! They sent one of these!
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You keep saying you wanted to by salt by the palett... guess that was too little for all the water changes you need to do
<span style="color: black;">Look like you have enough salt to last a few years. The best thing is that you can you use Morton salt to cook also. If you ever run out of salt in the middle of the night, Wal-Mart is open 24 hours. Brilliant!!</span>
kappaknight wrote: Huh? I thought it was cause no one was running against you. :fish:

kappaknight wrote: Huh? I thought it was cause no one was running against you. :fish:

Yup... that too.


I got some of the rock moved over and will be adding more once I start breaking down the other two systems. I'll worry about aquascaping after the breakdowns and lighting is put in place.
Here's an updated pic:
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10,000 gallons per hour :)
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those swells are almost 1/4inch high...lol
god I cant imagine evap in that tank with that much movment. Lookin good kid, lookin good.
Canopy eventually... I still have to build it. Funds are running dangerously low so I'm not sure of an expected completion date. I've already canceled xmas.
I'm going to be building a matching canopy for my FW120Planted at the same time; plus I need access to Chris' workshop....lol.
I'm starting to like open top tanks. Sometimes I remove my canopy and turn all my pumps off so I can watch my fish and coral from the top. I'm sure it will still look good if it's open top for serveral months.
I love look down tanks... my next one will be a lookdown. Lookin good tony
So after I decided to let my RO unit fill my dining/livingroom floors, I broke it down, moved it (along with my 30gal) cleared the room, steam cleaned and let the floor dry... Im back in business (with a relocation)

So its moved into the livingroom now and plumbed around the corner. Here's a couple quick shots to get the idea... I still have aquascaping to do (Wei) and to arrange the rest of the equipment on the stand (and ofcourse build a canopy and get some real lights on this thing)
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probably not at this point... I didn't have time in the scheme of setting up. I will use black poster board as a temporary solution until I move the tank (Feb-Mar/2008?)
black paint and a roller always works fast ;) Tony what have I told you about running water all over your floors!!........I said I'ld do that for you free of charge......tisk tisk tisk. Sorry to hear about that man, hope it didnt ruine anything.