Hey... look what I have :)

I got yelled at recently because I havent put an updated picture up in a while... so... here it is! :)
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A month has gone by and not much has changed.... fragged some stuff, added a bunch of fish.... here's a pic:

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Looks nice! Where's the citron? Is that with just actinics or is your tank always that blue? :P
Heck if I know... the citron disappeared by the next morning... hopefully it's still in there.

Just 15K MHs... my camera settings bring out a little extra blue than what it looks like in person.

oh yeah, and a special thanks goes out to Simon for the Yellow tang!
Showtime305;46247 wrote: Why are you taking rock out?
I think it looks crowded right now... Im going to drop the rock height by 30% and reaquascape. The fish should like it :)
That's clearly a signanus doliatus, scribbled rabbitfish :). You should know that since you have one!
Yup.... Thats him...
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