High Quality Thermometer @ minimal cost. Does one exist?


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What is your experience with a reliable "Old Faithful" thermometer? I'm looking for a couple for my smaller 20-30 gallon tanks. I'm also looking for one to place near my return pump on my 120 gallon buildup that's in the "works".

Please don't tell me that the thermometer brand you will try and sell me in this post is "made in China". I'm looking for a "Quality" :yes:thermometer and not a "quantity" :Flush::kabong:thermometer.

I seen another post on this site about "China products" so I thought I should do a little venting of my own here in this post.

Please give me some of the personal obstacles you've overcame and how long your happy days have been where you never have to look back and say :doh: "Why did I buy that :thinking::censored::deal: brand "xyz" thermometer when for a couple dollars more I could have had "Old Faithful" rock solid thermometer.

Your thoughts?:D
Spend $100 and get a bare-bones controller with a temp probe. I believe the RKL comes in around $100 and Neptune has a comparable unit.
I was thinking :doh: heater when I wrote the original post and I replaced it with thermometer as my fingers hit the keyboard. Isn't there a medicine for this kind of behavior :yes::unsure:? YEP! It's called "Staying Young".I hate growing older.

What is an "old faithful" heater that I can depend on? Again, it's for a couple of 20-30 gallon tanks as well as next to a return pump for a 120 gallon tank.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Just put lots of pumps in the sump that send flow to different areas, have their power hooked up to a thermostat. Heaters are a silly use of electricity when there are so many fun toys that heat up the tank. (yes I use heaters)
Lab grade merc thermometers are cheap and really really accurate.

$5.99 before shipping

Also, I use an Eheim Jager and it is great.