I think I messed up.

Crew;1040741 wrote: I would say that is probably the most popular salt on ARC - I use it, no issues.

erm. which is?

reef crystals or regular io?

alt="" />

thats what i generally get
Crew;1040743 wrote: I use regular instant ocean. Works perfectly.

ok. i learned something new.
i personally wont change because im used to rc already.
Camellia;1040797 wrote: I know who I'm going to call when I mess up!

Russ :)

you give me too much credit.

tbh im glad others chimed in. i had a "lesser" opinion of io salt until i saw the white papers on it vs rcs, as well as personal experiences.

i still think the vixen has either a faulty testing method, or faulty hydrometer. hard to say without our own trusty equipment ;)

thanks crawford and jesse for the chime-ins.
Before blaming it all on the IO salt, consider this: the salt she is using came from my personal supply that have used for years and my tank's Alk runs fairly constant at 9-10 dkh at 1.026 tested on a refractometer. I'd be more suspicious of either testing kit or method.
porpoiseaquatics;1040807 wrote: Before blaming it all on the IO salt, consider this: the salt she is using came from my personal supply that have used for years and my tank's Alk runs fairly constant at 9-10 dkh at 1.026 tested on a refractometer. I'd be more suspicious of either testing kit or method.

i suspect the same jeff. can you tell us the age of this salt?

800 mag is really low to get a 1.026 reading on a hydrometer. its either the salt, the measure too quickly before the mix is solid, or her hydrometer is shot.

i get 1400 mag every mix with rc. and regular is similar mag according to the pdf

i didnt ask her mag test kit either (which could hve expired)
porpoiseaquatics;1040811 wrote: The salt is about a year old. I'm getting 1440 Mg out of it. What I do is empty the bag into a bucket so it can be mixed.

k so we have 3 culprits.

her mag kit is off/testing mag is flawed or....
her hydrometer is shot or....
salt isnt consistent in the bags / mix and need to be shuffled
I use seachems magnesium test kit. I think it was a bad bag cause I didn't have any issues with the other bag I got from you jeff. I already got a bag of reef crystals just to see if it changes anything I am mixing up a batch to test later

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SaltyVixen;1040815 wrote: I use seachems magnesium test kit. I think it was a bad bag cause I didn't have any issues with the other bag I got from you jeff. I already got a bag of reef crystals just to see if it changes anything I am mixing up a batch to test later

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not familiar with this kit.
i use red sea pro.
It always pays to do a test batch (i.e. one you mix up before you really, really need to use it & test the living tarnation out of) when starting a new package of salt, regardless of brand. Accidents & settling do happen.

Russ-IV & others have highlighted several really good points. I'd look at replacing your hydrometer - even the DD & red sea model refractometers are calibrated to a more reasonable 20C (about 70 degrees F) standard.

I use Reef Crystals (the smaller bag in my case) & measured into 1-gallon ziplock bags to control moisture absorption & mix the possibly separated strata. First batch mixed gets the works, testing-wise: CA, MG, Alk, PH & salinity checked via a refractometer & maybe even taken to a local store for a 2nd independent check. Subsequent water change batches? Salinity only & maybe a quick alkalinity check if anything seems "off" on the display tank.

Never be afraid to ditch a bad bag of salt if it fails to check out - it doesn't happen often but once stocked your tank's got waaaaay more emotional investment & $$$ tied up in livestock than a $50-90 pail of salt's worth.