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Stone Mountain
Long story short, ick/velvet wiped out my whole tank in July, and only 3 fishes survived - a regular sailfin tang, a melanurus wrasse, and a yasha goby.

I left them in the tank for a month, dosed medic the last 12 days of the month (no signs of ick/velvet throughout the month). Dropped a new flame angel in, he died after 10 days.

So I did a somehow fallow period (I know it should be fishless but I couldnt catch the yasha goby). Im keeping sailfin and the wrasse in the same tank with my new fishes (did a hydrogen peroxide dip prior of transfer). No signs of ick/velvet throughout the first month, a few fin nip here and there between tangs. Hypo tang showed ick on my vacation week and water was dirty I guess. Did a 1.7ppm copper. Clear in 2 days. No other fish in the tank showing any sign. They’re all healthy and happy at this point.

Now Im in my last week, any luck that all the fishes in quarantine will be okay in the tank after finishing 6 weeks with the goby in there?(the goby still didnt show any signs of ick/velvet) If not do we have good sites that test water for ick/velvet presents? Any advices on what to do? What to dose?
The number #1 resource I use for disease protocol is Humblefish. I believe for ick/velvet the system/tank needs to be completely fishless for 6 weeks. I think putting your QT fish back into your display is just a ticking time bomb.

I would expect the fallow period to fail because of the goby. Based on the scope and speed of fish deaths it sounds like you're dealing with velvet. You could get some freshwater black mollies and convert them to saltwater to test if disease is still present. If they don't catch anything for 2 weeks in the tank it is probably clear. You could also go the more expensive route:

The number #1 resource I use for disease protocol is Humblefish. I believe for ick/velvet the system/tank needs to be completely fishless for 6 weeks. I think putting your QT fish back into your display is just a ticking time bomb.

Thank you for the advice
I would expect the fallow period to fail because of the goby. Based on the scope and speed of fish deaths it sounds like you're dealing with velvet. You could get some freshwater black mollies and convert them to saltwater to test if disease is still present. If they don't catch anything for 2 weeks in the tank it is probably clear. You could also go the more expensive route:

We can covert a mollies to saltwater? I’ll probably do the test with aquabiomics after 6 weeks to see if there is still velvet in the tank
We can covert a mollies to saltwater?