IM Nuvo Lagoon 25 @ Sugar Hill

Been some time since an update,

As for the main tank structure itself... I did add a Neptune Apex, Trident, and a DOS. Additionally, I have one other DOS (unopened) I'm thinking about adding as well. My thoughts on the Apex? WAY BETTER THAT I EXPECTED! For someone who is into tech, details, and gadgets.. It's a dream. No to mention, it has eased the burden on testing so much. My tank has never been more stable. I've had it a month or more now and I love looking in to it at work and away from home. I also feel safer if I have the dreaded heater failure. Hoping it stays reliable.

I also, picked up a Hydra 26 that I plan on upgrading the pucks on. There's a guy online who sells improved pucks with way better PAR, power, and (less heat) capabilities. This will probably replace my HD16's.

Also, if anyone is looking for a container for the DOS, I'd skip the DDR and go with the Simplicity. Nice, clean, simple, has a better rep, and only $60.
Also, I did have the "plague" for a minute as well.

I managed to get Dino Coolia, not sure how. I treated it with sandbed vacuuming, UV light, changing out filter floss daily, and hydrogen peroxide several times a day. This wiped out the Dino but opened the door to Cyano. Not having any luck with Cyano I eventually gave Chemiclean a shot. My tank looked amazing in 36 hours, better than ever. After I defeated Cyano within days I had a more severe case of Dinos. This was a tougher form and the counter measures I used previously did not seem to help at all really. I busted out the microscope and learned I had Ostreopsis this time around. I did not want to use chemicals because I’ve had so much back-and-forth. Around this time I picked up a ton of blue legged hermit crabs here on the forum, I thought why not, I’ll see if they do anything to the Dino’s. I added around 80 hermits to my 25 lagoon and by the next morning my tank looked 50% better. Within two days, 80% better. Within a week 💯 %.

I’ve never read that hermit crabs can help with Dinos, although they seemed to clear mine up completely. I’m curious to see if it works for anybody else. I believe the key is to add many more than normal, as they seemed to attack everything in vary large groups.

I do now have a little bit of Green Hair Algae... Nothing crazy, but it's there. What's the best to clear up the algae? Sea Urchin? Mollies?
Thank you for posting this & in such detail. I will be able to use the settings & data on my IM 25 & 50 lagoons. I also have 2 AI Primes to use with the IM 25, though was planning with a hybrid fixture. That may be overkill, based on your measurements.
Thank you for posting this & in such detail. I will be able to use the settings & data on my IM 25 & 50 lagoons. I also have 2 AI Primes to use with the IM 25, though was planning with a hybrid fixture. That may be overkill, based on your measurements.
No problem. Those two 16’s will be perfect. Better than one 32 as you’ll have better spread. I’ve upped my wattage to 36 watts and all Is Happy as well.
And this Jelly Bean, picked it up with 3 mouths, now it has 6. I've had it for around 2 months or so I believe-->

Day 1



And my Raja Rampage, bought it with only 1 Eye/Mouth-->





CORRECTION. I just looked up my first phote. This was December of 2020. And I got it with 2 eyes....

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Also moved the lobo up higher to see if it gets its color back with more par. If not, it's for sale, lol.E6FE7FBE-DAB6-4220-88B6-CA7491C9D24B.jpeg