robbywood20;832216 wrote: very nice gesture Rich I'm telling you rdnelson99 is the nicest guy on ARC
FrankenBakon;832217 wrote: I'm not familiar with where johns creek is but If its near 85n and N Druid hills I'm in for the salt and to Rich that's super nice of you but you don't have to do thatI'm actually riding with a friend to a bday party in canton tomorrow afternoon so we were gonna try to check out imagine ocean anyway lol 7 months of unemployment I'm just tryin to keep the tank goin lol
FrankenBakon;832219 wrote: I was a member a few years ago but it's been one thing after another and haven't gotten to rejoin but hopefully soon
PFCDeitz;832236 wrote: Ill buy the salt for you. Jeff send me your paypal
FrankenBakon;832241 wrote: Only taking loan apps I had no back end experience