Jason’s 40B


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Cumming Ga
This is my first attempt at a reef tank. It started as a 36G bowfront in January and moved to the 40B in April. Because this was my first, I went with a Fluval 270 Canister vs the sump, but the plan is to switch to a sump or AIO inset later. Also, I recently upgraded to 2 Prime HDs. I only have a few pieces of coral because I’m battling an algae problem at the moment and trying to get it under control. Also, possibly dinos so I’m borrowing a microscope to confirm. I did add a couple more pieces of dry rock recently hence the BRIGHT WHITE! Haha.

PH - 8.0
NH3 - 0.0
NO2 - 0.0
N03 - 0.0
PO4 - 0.03
CA - 440

2 Clowns
1 Bi-color Blenny
1 Firefish
1 Cleaner Strimp
1 Nassarius
1 Tiger Conch
5 Asteria

1 Hairy Mushroom
1 frag of Toadstoal, Duncan, Frogspawn
1 Pulsing Xenia
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Ugh! I’ve lost my Firefish. I’m assuming it has been devoured or its hiding really really well. It stopped coming out from its home a couple weeks ago. I lifted up her rock and she wasn’t there. I’ve since removed/moved all of the rock and cannot find it anywhere. Would a snail CUC or Pistol shrimp eat the entire fish? Ive got a mesh top with only a 2 inch opening for my intake/outtake, but Ive looked all around the tank inside and out and cannot find it. All other fish/shrimp and CUC are doing great.
I have notice an increasing amount of algae over the last month or so. It was green and slimy with air bubbles in it. I took a photo to a LFS and they thought it might be Cyano and they recommended Chemiclean. I started the treatment Sunday night adding an air stone for increase the O2. It has been 48hrs and my tank is SPOTLESS. There are a couple of small spots of algae left on the rocks, but for the most part it is all gone. Has anyone used this stuff before? It this typical?

On a side note, I’m looking to replace my Firefish with a small 6line wrasse. Is a 40B large enough? I want something that swims more. My Blenny and Goby perch most of the day.
Your experience with chemiclean is possible - it could come back a while after you stop treatment but you can re-treat.

IMO - your tank is large enough for a six line as long as you feed well. Possible aggression would be a concern - 6 lines can be flat out mean and aggressive. Not always - but it is somewhat common.
I stopped by Pure Reef today to look for a new addition, but I didn’t pull the trigger. They recommended a Yellow Coris Wrasse or a Sixline. I’m a little concerned the YCW may get to big for my tank though. Researching a little more before I decide.

Tested water this morning… PO4 and NO3 were 0.0. This is the first time both were 0, I’m not too concerned at the moment. I HEAVY fed afterwards and the fish were very happy!

I haven’t had a lot of LPS coral growth, so I started feeding Reef-Roids yesterday and my Frogspawn looks a lot better today. Also I tweaked my rock work a bit to add a “lagoon” to reduce the flow in the center. I’m thinking about moving my Xenia into it versus hiding it in the back of the tank.
I took the risk this afternoon and picked up a small six-line wrasse from Pure Reef. It is the smallest fish in my tank and appears to be playing well with others for now. It has been hanging out with my clowns and weaving in between my rock work. My bi-color has chased it a little bit, but she cannot keep up with the wrasse. This thing is FAST! I’m pretty certain I will never be able to catch it unless I pull everything else out.
I took the risk this afternoon and picked up a small six-line wrasse from Pure Reef. It is the smallest fish in my tank and appears to be playing well with others for now. It has been hanging out with my clowns and weaving in between my rock work. My bi-color has chased it a little bit, but she cannot keep up with the wrasse. This thing is FAST! I’m pretty certain I will never be able to catch it unless I pull everything else out.
My sixline is fat and happy in my 40. I actually have the sixline and a yellow coris. The sixline was in the tank for, i guess 4-5 month before i got the coris.... I was very worried about aggression from the sixline when i got the coris. The yellow coris was just bigger then half the size of the sixline...
Six lines tend to be either chill or a-holes. They both showed fins to each other and chased each other for a few days, then i could tell everything in the tank kinda calmed down and settled in. They get along great now.
Fish list,
2 photon clowns
Damsel astripes
Bi-color blenny
Cherub angel
Yellow coris
2 pj cardinals

Chris c

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I’ve had six lines in every tank I’ve owned except for my current tank. But I plan to add one as the last fish to the system. When they are being bullies I taped a mirror to the tank. They are more interested in flashing themselves and forget about the new fish.
I wouldn't really call mine aggressive.

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I’m happy to report the new addition is doing great! She’s eating well, playing well with others and swimming all over the place. Unfortunately, I think my cyano is coming back. My two pieces of dry rock are covered with a red algae. My GSP has decided to close up for the last three days as well. I’m guessing it has algae in it. I’m going to treat with Chemiclean one more time. I’ve significantly increased feeding to get my PO4 and NO3 up again. Tested yesterday and I’m only at .01 for Phos and holding at 0.0 for Nitrates.

Do you guys own a microscope? I’m on a Dino FB group and they say it is a must.
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It’s been a rough couple of weeks in the 40B. I’m starting to thing I have an assassin in my tank. I lost my Watchman goby about 2 weeks ago. He stopped coming out at feeding time and would only poke his head out after the lights went out. Last weekend, he was completely out of his shared cave with the Pistol and on the other side of the tank. His fins were significantly damaged, so I netted him and put him in a breeder basket. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it.
Yeaterday, we got back from vacation and I noticed my cleaner shrimp was upside down in the Pistol’s cave. We had someone come by and feed the tank while we were gone for 4 days, so I’m not sure what happened. It looks like the cleaner shed her shell earlier in the week, so I’m not sure if it didn’t go well or she was hunted by the Pistol.

Has anyone had issues with their Pistol killing inhabitants? I’m wondering if it got my Firefish a few months ago. I still have no idea what happened to her.
I have a pistol if it doesn’t get enough food, will take out hermits that go near the cave but still gets along fine with watchman.

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Mine likes frozen, rods food. Some big pieces so I drop one in front of his lair.

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It’s been a minute since I posted an update and unfortunately my tank has basically crashed. Over the last few weeks, I noticed my corals were shrinking and not as bright. All parameters were good and steady, except nitrates were at zero. I started dosing nitrates to slowly get them to an acceptable level, yet all of my corals and CUC started to die last weekend. I’ve done 3 25% water changes in the last week and a half. I went to a LFS and they recommended a poly filter to pull any metals or crap out of the water, so I’m running it now. Thinking about an ICP test. At this point, I’m not sure what to do. On a positive note, my fish and pistol shrimp seem fine. I haven’t added anything new to my tank in months, so I have no idea what’s going on at the moment.
Any magnets in the tank? I noticed similar things a while back in my tank and I had a small thermometer in the tank and a completed rusted, flaking apart magnet. I cleaned it up and did a bunch of water changes and turned things around.
I just have my powerheads and a small thermometer with magnets. I pulled all out this weekend and inspected them, but couldn’t see any signs of rust. I replaced thermometer just in case. I should check my old powerhead, I replaced it about 10 days ago and didn’t think about it.