I nominate jin aka futureintrest as president. Jin has a passion for this hobby like no other. He’s always lending a helping hand and educating members. Jin I think would push this club to higher standards and flourish the growth. I myself haven’t renewed my membership due to the lack of content and structure the past couple years. Jin is always active on community boards lending a helping hand, peice of advice, and even free frags to newbies. You can tell he’s for the people just look at his current push to bring the community together with the zoa grow out!
I nominate s all for Vice President. He’s been the backbone of this club for years. Always lending helping hands and even soaring frag tanks for vendors at swap. Another guy that has clear passion for the hobby!
Lastly Doug aka urban knight for sec. Doug has always did a great job helping at events and swaps. From passing out tickets to greeting people Doug is a great guy!
As far as the other roles of mods and social media I would be willing to lend a helping hand seeing I work nights and have lots of free time at night which is when I lurk the forums when most of you are asleep!