Looking for a Timor Wrasse


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Hey all! I'm looking for a Timor Wrasse (halichoeres timorensis). Mine died, and little did I realize it was keeping my SPS free of redbugs and monti eating nudibranchs. I'm desparate for another to hopeully save some of my prized montiporas from the nudis. I've got Sal on the case, but if anyone spots one in a store or online, can you let me know? Thanks!
The only time I've ever seen that in stock locally, it was at Blue Planet near your end of the world.
That's where I got it--I've never seen one in another store or online since.
I'm not sure you ever will. They're not as colorful as some of the other wrasses so I guess they're not commonly collected.

You could try some other halichoeres wrasses though. They won't touch red bugs as they're too small to make a meal of them but they will work on your nudis.
Red bugs aren't so much of a problem since I've got the interceptor treatment down pretty good--it's those nudi's that are killing me... I may try another halichoeres and see how it goes. Any ideas (maybe a sixline?)
If you're not into faeries/flashers anymore then get the sixline.

The following are all superb nudi eaters:
Halichoeres chloropterus
Halichoeres chrysus
</em>Halichoeres iradius

I want to restock my fairy/flasher wrasse population, but I need to devise some mesh for the access holes before I do that... Will the sixline not get along with the fairies?
Sixlines when mature tend to get a lot more aggressive towards fairies/flashers. You might get lucky as some people have had success mixing them. They are in the minority though :sad:.