Looking for help with 500 gallon system

michael grady;1064550 wrote: Thanks! I'm trying. Just a little discouraged.

Don't give up yet? This is how you learn(in my opinion)!!!! I would also bring the salinity down to around 32 or so. I think 35 is a little high.
I also have a 400 gallon aquarium,and i live in oxford as well maybe its something in Newton counties water. I had a lot of issues getting my tank dialed in and its fish only.
Also a company called Newton Crouch inc. in Griffin ga 770-227-1234. They sell the plastic container as well, and some sizes they keep in stock.
michael grady;1064550 wrote: Thanks! I'm trying. Just a little discouraged.

Any time I've had real issues with corals it was either an alk swing or a phosphate swing. If you can, pick up a Hanna Alk Checker. Super easy to use and, even if it isn't the most accurate, it's fairly easy to get consistent results, and that's more important than pinpoint accuracy for most of us hobbyists. Check your alk every 2-3 days.

If you're running GFO, make sure that you change it regularly, weekly to bi-weekly, and do small amounts rather than dumping in a huge amount. Too much will strip all of the phosphate out very quick and corals can respond negatively.

Just remember, small changes.

For corals, start them low and slowly move them up.

Don't give up but slow down and make sure all of your parameters are truly where they need to be and stay there.
Thanks for the replies. I'm trying hard to get the chemistry perfect. Decreasing Ca reactor - aiming for kh about 9 or so. Is there a way or reason to decrease KH?

As long as the pros (which is zero) is not up, is there really any reason to add more rock?
Depends on your end goal. But with your filtration and reactors,I would think you would be ok. It does help with biological filtration though.
Another thing to consider is that sometimes LR may leach toxins. Not sure of your LR source. I have helped many folks over the years and once helped someone that used LR that had been in a copper treated system. They had the same issue. Parameters checked out fine, equipment was top notch....but SPS would last a few weeks tops. Just a thought to consider. Could be something besides copper too. Maybe a water analysis could help. There are some companies that you can send a water sample to and for around $100...maybe less now....they will give you a run down of everything that is in your water.
Bsimpson;1064553 wrote: I also have a 400 gallon aquarium,and i live in oxford as well maybe its something in Newton counties water. I had a lot of issues getting my tank dialed in and its fish only.
My coral love newton county water ☺

Really shouldn't matter what is in the water if it's properly filtered through Ro/di but if you fear a chemical contaminant maybe run some poly filter it's good for heavy metals and chemicals
I got a Hanna alk checker you can borrow!
I'd start with alkalinity like everyone else has said , rtn is almost certainly alk swing .
Also I know you said you want sps dominant tank , but do you keep anything else that is doing good lps or soft coral ?
Hi tbub-

The softies seems to thriving. I have a nice carpet anemone that is doing really well.

Most recent chemistry:

Alk 8-9
Cal. 400-425
mg 1000. (still working on this)
Phos. Zero on red sea kit

I just finished a new light rack

3. 400w radions. Run 3 hours
8 t5 bulbs actinic. Run 10hours
Led lights run 12 hours.

The comments about RTN due to alk swings make sense.
w_hartyjr;1065751 wrote: How's the tank going. Haven't seen an update lately

Well, Reggie and Shac were kind enough to come by yesterday and give it the once over. They both thought my lights were way too close to the water and I was frying the corals. With my new light rack system, it's an easy fix to raise the lights. I'll also tweet the photo periods of the MHs, t-5s and LEDs.

Chemistry seems stable and all is hovering around 8. I have the calcium reactor just barely on. (Water still runs through - just adjusting pH with Apex.

Reggie (referman) also brought some lovely frags which are hanging out in a little sand bed garden.

I also ordered some matrix and will add more fish this week.

Fingers crossed .....

michael grady;1065906 wrote: Well, Reggie and Shac were kind enough to come by yesterday and give it the once over. They both thought my lights were way too close to the water and I was frying the corals. With my new light rack system, it's an easy fix to raise the lights. I'll also tweet the photo periods of the MHs, t-5s and LEDs.

Chemistry seems stable and all is hovering around 8. I have the calcium reactor just barely on. (Water still runs through - just adjusting pH with Apex.

Reggie (referman) also brought some lovely frags which are hanging out in a little sand bed garden.

I also ordered some matrix and will add more fish this week.

Fingers crossed .....


It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife. I have to say that you have one of the nicest system I've seen and I've seen alot.
shac;1065961 wrote: It was a pleasure meeting you and your wife. I have to say that you have one of the nicest system I've seen and I've seen alot.

Thanks for the kind words! It was great to meet you, and thanks so much for the advice!!
Justas i thought we had this figured out...

More dead SPS today. At least half of the spa we put in on Sunday have bleached out and died. one still have some tissue that is obviously dying.

This is so frustrating and sad to be killing off this coral and wasting so much money.

Chemistry today:

Alk 8.0
Ca 425
Mg 1000 (dosed mg today)
nitrates 0
Phosphate 0
pH 8.4
temp 78.4
Conductivity 34.5

Two things come to mind:

1. I have sent off to one of those water testing facilities and will send a sample in. I wonder if maybe there is copper or something that has found its way in??

2. We adjusted the skimmer the other day and it seems to be pulling a great deal of gunk out of the water. Maybe it just needs more time? There is a little more hair algae than i would expect.

I wonder if it may be best to tear down, bleach the rock out and start fresh?? I think if the water tests neg for copper and the chemistry is spot on, and there is no help with the better skimming I have going, that is my best option.

Goodness gracious....