Luck may have ran out... ID please!


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Well ive been pretty lucky in this hobby so far. Unfortunately while feeding my tank tonight I noticed this little guy. I know the pics stink but try your best. He is black, has 2 antenna that kinda fan out. 2 black bubble eyes and I saw 2 legs pokein' out of his hole. Any ideas??
okay well I cant post pictures. It starts to upload them then it starts saying trying to resend and counts down from 10 seconds... Any ideas without pics?
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p.s. the hole he is living in is about the size on an ink pen in diameter
From the description, I would imagine its some sort of harmless filter feeder... But anything black with legs, is scary. Kill it post haste!
wbholwell;132787 wrote: I say feed it, see how big you can get it, and then retake pictures!

I second that. I want to see how big it will get, but its not my fish it might eat
lol, well it only comes out when I put foor in the tank. Next time I feed ill look to get a better shot.
Hey is there such thing as an all black mantis shrimp? This thing popped out about an inch to grab food out of my hand (bad idea I know) But it looks like it has a shrimp like tail. I think I am going to lure him out with some food enough to cut him in half with some sissors... But I want to know what he is first.
Zanski;136376 wrote: Hey is there such thing as an all black mantis shrimp? This thing popped out about an inch to grab food out of my hand (bad idea I know) But it looks like it has a shrimp like tail. I think I am going to lure him out with some food enough to cut him in half with some sissors... But I want to know what he is first.

Are his eyes on stalks? Mantis have eyes on stalks that can swivel independently and their claws are folded and held like a praying mantis...
yes his eyes are bubble like and move in different directions. If he is one I havent added any rock or corals in forever!! Where did he come from? I am guessing he was really small?! No idea...
I've got a small one in my tank still (I've captured 4 of 'em so far--got one in a small Mantis tank).

Do you hear any clicking? Mantis strike at the rock to carve out a burrow--you can hear it outside of the tank.

Frankly I'm more concerned about the crabs in my tank than I am about the Mantis--'til he get's bigger at least!
No dont here any clicking, how could I catch him without killing it? And are they all black when they are small?