Making Live Rock At My Place Saturday June 6. Come Join Us!

This is still on for Saturday, come rain or shine. Still assembling all the needed materials, so if any interested party has some arogonite based sand laying around collecting dust, please advise me, as that has been the hardest part to procure.

I've been researching methods of making live rock, and this is the method I'll we're likely to be using ( but by all means anyone can feel free to experiment at will);

A six part mix of;

Portland Cement (must be min 1-to-6 ratio)
oyster shell
salt (I bought salt crystals marketed as pool salt, but bag states 99% pure salt as all the other products did)
decorative shell (mainly to line the outside of the rock)
Colorant (red and blue powder, hoping to achieve something close to purple, again, reef safe, but still I wouldn't use too much or it would throw your ratios off.)

I found other information regarding the porocity of the rock. It seems food items such as pasta and rice have ben used for this purpose, as it's safe because in the time it takes DIY rock to cure, the particles of food have long since decomposed. I'm not going to even attempt the pasta as that just doesn't even sound right. Rice has potential, but I think I found somthing that would work even better if anyone would like to try it with me......


They are cheap, the small particle size would more closely resemble the pores of real live rock, and would decompose quicker than the two items mentioned above. This is again, all optional of course, nothing written in stone....

I look forward to seeing anyone and everyone that can make it.

My address (if not already listed, as I forget) is;

3337 Old Jonesboro Road
Hapeville (Atlanta) GA 30354

404 693 7424
Lookin good for me to be able to make it.
I even was able to get one of the coolers w lid from Tim.
Will know for sure this wednesday and can contribute 5 gallons of crushed coral/aragonite mix.

LilRobb;352538 wrote: Lookin good for me to be able to make it.
I even was able to get one of the coolers w lid from Tim.
Will know for sure this wednesday and can contribute 5 gallons of crushed coral/aragonite mix.


I'd be great if you could make it Rob, remind me and I'll send you home with the fish trap....
OK, this is still on for tomorrow. Address is above. Starts around 2pm.

Hopefully a few of you guys can make it. It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow, so hopefully we wont get rained on, but who knows with this Atlanta weather. In the event of rain, I'm still doing this in my leaky garage, probably alone, but again, all are welcome. (if 20 years ago, someone would have told me I'd be 45, in a leaky garage, making rocks AND actually kinda psyched about it, I'd have been so depressed.....)

Call if you need directions, although google maps and mapquest have me pinpointed pretty well.

If anyone has arogonite sand they could bring, that would be great! I have some, but probably not enough.

404 693 7424
Thanks for the hospitality Dakota,
I think Loren, you and I had real great fun - hope the rocks turn out good.
I totally forgot to ask you for the trap, can you bring it to the meeting for me, please?
That pistol is resisting any attempt to catch it.

Wow,I didn't think about the trap either. Yes today was fun, regardless if the rock turns out or not.

If mine doesn't look the way I want it, I've got plenty more supplied to keep trying.

Thanks for a great afternoon guys!
Mine will of course look like i came from the ocean...I think it already is encrusted with coral.

Thanks Dakota for setting this up. I'll take pics when I unveil mine.

I was going to get that ACME game from you.
Yes, pictures would be great! We would like to start making rock soon for our tank we have decorating the dinning room floor (Spring of 2010).
I'd like some pics as well. If yall do this again, anyone want to make some "frag stations"? Rocks with holes in them to mount frag plugs. These let you put zoas and other encrusting corals and make some cool looking colonies, but they run about $15 each online and shipping is a lot.

Also good if you have sand sifting fish and don't want your frags in the sand burried, they'll be just off the sand on a rock.
You know what's messed up...I had totally planned on going to do this but forgot. And now I have a 95 gallon tank that I'm slowly getting setup and will need to do this so I can afford the LR for the tank. Off to RC to further investigate!!
I've still got all the stuff to make the live rock, sans arogonite sand.

I wasn't happy with my first attempts, come by one weekend and we can do it again....
I had a chance to check out the rock that Robb made and it turned out very nice. He was still soaking it due to his pieces being larger.
Did you try the garf blown up latex glove trick? Cool rocks, but would like to see the outcome from someone else
Most any Saturday or Sunday afternoon works for me! Just seriously let me know. Maybe some others can join us.
I'm probably good to go next weekend. I can't do it this weekend. Yard work tomorrow and golf on Sunday. :thumbs:

If there's anything I can buy, let me know.