Monthly Meeting Schedule *** updated***

Just a quick update on our May meeting.
We had a nice turn out at Creation Reef & Aquatics today (fri. 21st May), about 41 people showed up to hang out with the ARC, we had a little late start but with all the giveaways it was worth the wait.
things got kicked off with BOD and staff introduction and our president Brett letting everyone know what our plans are for the rest of the year, myself being the MC (go figure), with the late start we jumped right in to prize giveaways with 4 luck winners of $25 gift cards to creation, 4 winners of air water ice $25 gift coupons, 2 $50 gift card to aquatic playground and one very luck winner of a brand new RODI unit.
Matt at creation treated the crowd to some nice in store sales and discounts, i also understand lots of folk had a little to much fun at the warehouse, after all our giveaways the ARC treat all attendance to lunch with subway catering.
All and all at the end of the day i believe it was another nice get together with old and new friends.
Thanks all that attended and we will see you all at the next event.
Can't wait for the August meeting. It's time for my first one.haha

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What are the chances of having a monthly meeting earlier next year on the topic of "Captive Breeding?" I think it would be very educational on how we can sustain our desires to have ocean friends in our homes without taking from their original inhabitants.

The meeting doesn't have to strictly focus on just "captive breeding". I would combine the meeting with a title that included "Newbies". Have a question and answer discussion for the new Reef Keepers. This could also include not just fish for the captive breeding, but also corals. Make the meeting a frag swap meet. Invite some of the local reef stores where they could bring some Clean Up Crews for sell to the visitors of the meeting. We've had several in the past where vendors brought in some items to sell; very joyful meetings they were.

Have a discussion for the newbies on coral selection, the differences between the different types and general parameters, etc. Call the meeting: "The Newbie in the Neighborhood". Dedicate one of the monthly meetings next year to the "Newbies".

Great ideas. We have our Expo planned for the beginning of the year. Perhaps we can throw a mini expo together a few months later and add a few of your suggestions. Keep the ideas coming we want to schedule monthly activities that everyone will enjoy and participate in. :)
Looks like Christmas party it's next door!
Less than a month now but I haven't seen many promotion about it.
I hope Mae and I can make the Christmas party and the SeaChem plant tour sounds really cool!
Anyone attending the Seachem tour. Just a reminder, please have your completed forms in by Friday morning. Please email to
a> or text a picture to 678-431-5398. You must also bring the completed form with you to the tour. Thankyou.