Mor deep sand bed questions


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I've just read an article about the grain size of DSB's. It said that a fine, sugar size grain was needed for good de-nitrafacation and that courser, larger grain sizes were only good for pod growth. After reading this I'm thinking my argonite sand may be to coarse for a DSB. I'm wondering if I can have the best of both worlds by placing a 3" layer of super fine sand under my 4" of argonite sand? My tank is 24" high so I don't minde giving 7" to the DSB. Is there a cheap fine sand available at Home Depot or such? Does anyone use a plenum under thier DSB? All opinons are appreciated.
Yes, I ideally you would have your 3" fine sand on the bottom and your courser stuff on top.

You have to be very careful about sand from Home depot because most of it contains high amounts of silicates.

I think I am the only one who runs a Plenum anymore. I like them and think they are a forgotten "technology" that needs to return.
you could also try grinding your courser sands purchased from LFS into smaller grain...
Thanks for the advice, I will pick up an under gravel filter and cap off the intake lines to use as a plenum.
Heck, cheaper then buying an UG filter, build your own out of PVC. This way you can control the height and spacing for better under bed flow.
What size pipe would you suggest for a 72" x 18" 125 gallon? I guess I would want one in my 24" x 14" refugium as well. Would it require a smaller sized pipe? Do I link the pipes together or let them be stand alone. Do I drill many holes all over the pipe or just the top? Sorry That I have so many questions, is there a website that you can refer me to? Thanks Brandon
I will try to type out plans later but you can check out for some simple plans...

Here is what they say for a 125 gal:

Most of the systems at GARF (all of the Bullet Proof Reefs</em> ) use plenums and have been very successful. Plenums create a dead water space area under the substrate. This dead water space, along with the substrate, help in the denitrification process which lower the nitrates.
Below is a cut list for a plenum that will fit the tank you entered on the previous page.

Qty Size Description 170 " x 16" Egg crate top 270" 1 " PVC pipe rails 214" 1 " PVC pipe ends 812" 1 " PVC pipe Supports 119" 1" Riser tube 170 " x 16" Nylon Screening (middle) 173 " x 19" Nylon Screening (bottom)
Here is a link to help with the"><span style="color: #0000ff">Assembly</span></a> of the plenum. All of the parts to make your own plenum can be found in most hardware stores like Lowes or Home Depot. The Egg Crate is usually found in the Lighting section. PVC pipe is in the pumbing section. Nylon screening is usually found around the screen doors.

I do not do the whole riser tube with a pump any more. I use to but never saw much benefit. For your fuge, you would want to normally use smaller PVC (about 3/4") but why waste the cash, 1" will work just fine. I normally just do not do a plenum in both the fuge and the display. One or the other... I think, but I can not base it off of much, that if you go with a DSB in the main tank, you should consider a SSB in the fuge and vice versa. But I have nothing to really base that off of.
Carty;257178 wrote: you could also try grinding your courser sands purchased from LFS into smaller grain...

Ok I gotta ask.......Who has the time to do this???? LOL
Thanks for the great input Brandon, I'm gonna put this together asap. James, I'm still planning to call you, my job has been running me out of state for the past two weeks. I'd love to be able to see your set up. If it is still ok I'll call you later this week.
deadeye;257239 wrote: James, I'm still planning to call you, my job has been running me out of state for the past two weeks. I'd love to be able to see your set up. If it is still ok I'll call you later this week.

Come on by whenever. The weekends are normally better for me.
HD sand is fine to use, it just won't offer you any buffering capabilities.

The silica sand won't release silicates into the water.
Is there a particular brand of sand that anyone could recommend? I'm looking for very fine sand that I will put 4" of argonite sand on top of.
Not complcated at all... One stick of PVC, Onse sheet of egg crate, and a few zip ties. In less then an hour you are done with construction.

I have one in all my tanks, You do not need a "deep" tank since you will never see it is there.
On sand size, most of what I've read the smaller sand size allows a shallower bed for denitrification, but most livestock (other than detrivores) that utilize the sand bed such as gobies, jawfish, etc like a mix of particle sizes. Especially if you want to keep something that makes a home in the sand as it's hard to build a burrow out of ultrafine sand.

On the plenum vs. no plenum, here's an interesting article:
Thanks for the input everyone, I got good info on sand and plenum research. There seems to be a good argument for both plenum vs nonplenum tanks. I read one article that said that the water under a plenum has a different magnitism than the water above the DSB and draws water through the DSB. Today I bought the componets to build the plenum that Brandon tuned me on to. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Thanks for your insight. I feel like I have done alot of research on this and have thought about the opinions that others have on the subject and have come to this conclusion. My sand bed will be deeper than I ever wanted but several articles that I have read have convinced me that it is the thing to do. The man who invented the pelum system (Dr J.) says that he has had a reef system set up for 5 years, with coral, and has never done a water change. He only replaces the water that has evapotated. According to him the pelum system is so effective at denitrafacation that water changes are not needed. I'll be spending my money and not a university's and will definately be doing my water changes. I set out from the beginning building the best reef system that I could as I love my animals and am only interested in building the correct enviroment for them. Remember I bought this tank in Feb. and have had water in it only 2 weeks. I have plumbed my tank completly 3 seperate times, finding new and better ideas. While I'm sure there is good honest debate on the values of this system, I choose to go the extra mile and on last thing, my par will be increased as I build my pelum DSB. As always Barbara it is great to hear from you, your words offer insight, input, and encouragement. You have a great night,
Did this thread just run out of gas? I'd be interested in any follow ups.

Phil :unsure: