My 29 Mixed Reef and 10g “pest coral”

Beautiful! What's her name? I swear I'm obsessed with all things pet related. I had an Iguana for years, his name was Oscar. His favorite place to sleep was sprawled across the back of my recliner. I miss him dearly.
Beautiful! What's her name? I swear I'm obsessed with all things pet related. I had an Iguana for years, his name was Oscar. His favorite place to sleep was sprawled across the back of my recliner. I miss him dearly.

Her name is Nyra!! And me too!! i love iguanas! I have 2 sw tanks (obviously) the geckos, a FW tank (used to have 3), a dog, and 4 horses. I’d have more if I had the money lol.

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Love the name, suits her well. I know exactly what you mean about having more. My husband is already giving me the stink eye about my new coral addiction, lol. I'm very new to saltwater having recently took down and sold my freshwater tank. I'm enjoying it immensely so far. So right now I have one dog(llewellin setter), four horses (paint horses) and a 20g nano. I'm already daydreaming about another nano. If I could only figure out how to hide it from my husband :D
Great job on the cage!!! We had crested geckos for years but alas not anymore. One of the easiest kind or reptiles to own if you ask me. We had a dalmation crestie like the one your getting. What a pretty girlie too. They should make some nice babies!
Here’s an update on the 29. Birdsnest and branching monti are gone the neon candys are healing from being knocked over a ton, anemones look great!!

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Sorry some things did not make it. It usually takes me some time to play around and see what does great in each of my tanks. The system chemistry is a little different in each tank and what does great in one may not to well in another. If something is not doing well in one of my tanks I try it in another...if it still does not do well I gift it to a friend in hopes it will do better in their system. Your tank looks great! I do love admiering your nems. :)
Pictures seriously don’t do this tank justice.
my other pink skunk clown died un-expectantly. All parameters are beyond good, best they’ve ever been actually! This tank is so low maintenance it’s crazy!!! All of the green plant on the back (forgive me I ALWAYS forget the name) keeps my water quality pristine along with my baby feather dusters! I’m also allowing the hard green algae to grow on the sides of the tank, and it seems to be doing a lot of beneficial filtering! I don’t have very many bristle worms left, maybe one or 2, and those small white filter feeders are all over my rock structure. I went to the lfs to pick up a Bangai cardinal, and they had baby baby’s!.... they also had near hatchling clownfish that I impulse bought but we aren’t gonna talk about that... I think with all of this natural filtering and the amount of water changes I do, the bioload should be good since everyone so small right now, it’s not a long term thing obviously, but I really think everyone will be okay for now.

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The green plant that has leaves and runners is 'caulerpa prolifera' and watch out for it. I "prune" it whenever I do a water change and it typically stays on one or two rocks.
The green plant that has leaves and runners is 'caulerpa prolifera' and watch out for it. I "prune" it whenever I do a water change and it typically stays on one or two rocks.

I prune it when it gets on the sand bed usually, but I’m trying to get it to grow all along the back wall! Thanks for the name, again. Lol.

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This tank is looking wonderful. I always love to stop and admire your anenomes. Maybe someday I will have one but in the tanks I have now I can not. No room... baby clowns are the bomb! :)
what is this!??! These white things all came out of my anemone. Now the water is very cloudy. All of my levels were fine earlier this week??? Is it poop? I had a small clownfish disappear and almost suspect the anemone ate it

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30g is doing well! I was out of town for a few says then in the hospital with family for a few more days, and my mom took care of my tanks. She’s done it before so I trusted her, but she forgot to top off my 10g...... for about a week... my nem died and I had to do a 70% water change. Planning on doing another one the next day or so. But the 30 is doing fine. Lots of growth, only, my Pygmy angelfish and one erase disappeared....? I went to feed the tank today and neither of them came out and I can’t find them anywhere?? I have a lid without any openings so I’m pretty confused.

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Sorry to hear about the nem. The 30 looks good and I kinda curious to see the red bubble algae. I actually kinda like the stuff but I always try and remove it when I see it because I'm worried about it "taking over." Right now it looks kinda good in your system on that piece of branch rock.
I think it’s kinda neat too! It hasn’t spread anywhere that I’ve noticed. Knock on wood.

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Hey, just checking in (have had an intense summer so far) Sorry to hear about the trouble when you were gone. But the 30 does look great. I have never seen red bubble algea before! Very cool!
Here’s an update (: I haven’t posted anything or done a whole lot with my tanks really all summer; I have been dealing with some crazy health issues, and ultimately ended up getting a service dog so my attention has been in about a thousand different places, lol. Unfortunately I had to get rid of my nems in the 30, as I was afraid of them dying because I haven’t been able to take care of the tank like I should for the past few months and I hate myself for that, but I just couldn’t, and can’t do a lot with my health, and trying to work, and trying to do school full time.. long story short my neurologist told me to quit.. so I’m now at home all day doing nothing and paying much more attention to my tanks. My 10g has been doing fantastic, thriving actually. It’s become an ULM tank unintentionally, lol. I’ll post a pic in the am when everything’s open. But the 30 has suffered a little bit. The coraline algae is to the point where it’s almost taken over all of the rocks and a lot of the glass, so it kinda looks weird at this point, and my. stupid. Brittle. Star. Has eaten all but 3 fish, and has smothered most of my lps/ sps... and I can’t catch him to save my life. He’s graciously left me with all my softies, my gorgeous sea fan, and some kind of LPS that I got on another drag that I have no clue what it is, lol. He literally took my GLUED DOWN chalice/ monti frags into. His. Cave....???!!! The red bubble algae is growing faster than I’d like so ill probably take that branch out. There are some pieces of zoas on there though that I’m afraid might let out some toxins if I take the branch out and clean it or get a new piece? I haven’t handled it in that way, just moving it into a tank. Any tips?? Thanks so much ((((:

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Oh I also still have my trumpet coral!! And my rock flower nem. I also think I have a piece of onto left but I don’t recall.

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So story time, lol. I took out that rock in the 30, and did a big clean, ended up finding a baby anemone! It’s very bleached, not sure why it hasn’t moved into the light anyways, my HOB filter sorta exploded last night.. the bag of charcoal somehow broke while the filter was on and charcoal started flying EVERYWHERE and then it stoped working, lol. Tank is fine though, so I went at 8:30 last night to Petco and grabbed the 206 or 306 fluval canister filter. I started putting it together and I hooked it up, started the siphon, and my lord, water EVERYWHERE. 5 gallons got out before I got the chance to take the hose out of the water. Time 6 large towels and an hour to get everything dry, but turns out I didn’t put the o ring on in the right place. I got it hooked up the right way, and I was trying to fix the nozzles and make them tighter so I cut power so it wouldn’t happen again and me and my brain fog didn’t think about the pressure already in the canister and I went to take it off and water spewed everywhere under the tank, I’m trying to hold up the electric cords with one hand, stop the leak with the other, and reach something to put the cords on with my toes another gallon and a half out of the tank. Took another 44 minutes to clean. At least I hadn’t done my water change yet but here’s the after math.

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