I will update later today. Thanks!Pics!!!!
As much as I would like to go bare bottom, my kids would be super unhappy not to have sand and the critters that go with the sand. So, no bare bottom. Sand will be coming soon.Love that rock! Can’t wait to see more of this aquascape.
Are you going barebottom ?
Yeah my oldest daughter loves the sand and the sand critters, especially Bang bang (pistol shrimp) and Freckles (yellow watchman goby) living together under the rock and sand.As much as I would like to go bare bottom, my kids would be super unhappy not to have sand and the critters that go with the sand. So, no bare bottom. Sand will be coming soon.
Thank you!your whole setup is a thing of beauty!!!!
Thank you!New system is looking great. Nice plumbing work neat and clean