My SCA 66g Upgrade

I’ve been using the snow weekly with water changes but I still have the green cyano building up after a few days. I’m trying to up my water changes but with the newborn it’s been tough. This has been something I’ve been able to distract our 4year old with. She loves helping with water changes.
I did my first online order with Aqua SD for a couple LPS and green bta. I moved around some rockwork to create more space sine the acantho I got looks to be pretty big.
How long have you been battling this? Maybe skip the MB7 and just do the coral snow and vacuuming? In my experience, I only got cyano when there was some type of imbalance in nutrients.
How long have you been battling this? Maybe skip the MB7 and just do the coral snow and vacuuming? In my experience, I only got cyano when there was some type of imbalance in nutrients.
Maybe since October. I’ve got some phosphates, 0.11, and that seems the only thing elevated if the normal tests. Today is only the second time I’ve added the MB7. I’ve done 2-3 changes with just scrubbing and the snow.
I took these a few hours ago, things were a little cloudy still. I like how the change in the one rock made things look. Before it kind of jutted out and over making a little cove but took up a lot of space. I turned it sideways and made an arch out of it. I placed my torches and rose gold hammer on it. The RFA is looking happy now too. I freed up some room for the new corals. 6E454E6A-D211-46A3-85B6-A9939DC799BD.jpeg1559B8EA-E005-4E0D-8AEA-9486750FCE66.jpeg2D06D142-0A61-4C56-835F-D537CB0E55C5.jpegAC1F2BA4-DC52-43B4-9BFA-33931DAEF899.jpegE49B7823-EE31-46C1-AD2B-92BFD8FD894D.jpeg5CE7B4A8-2A97-4D71-92E3-721E4D95E2DA.jpegFDAFB255-0FE4-44EF-ACE9-0B3C1EDF481B.jpegA96369C3-850D-4807-9C25-4502EB3606BC.jpeg23BCA0F4-99BA-4329-889A-9C8C990D7F59.jpeg
Maybe since October. I’ve got some phosphates, 0.11, and that seems the only thing elevated if the normal tests. Today is only the second time I’ve added the MB7. I’ve done 2-3 changes with just scrubbing and the snow.
Dang, that's crazy. I have never dealt with it that long before. I use to just suck it out with an 1/4” hose a couple times a week and it would be gone after about a month.
I took these a few hours ago, things were a little cloudy still. I like how the change in the one rock made things look. Before it kind of jutted out and over making a little cove but took up a lot of space. I turned it sideways and made an arch out of it. I placed my torches and rose gold hammer on it. The RFA is looking happy now too. I freed up some room for the new corals. View attachment 71661View attachment 71662View attachment 71663View attachment 71664View attachment 71665View attachment 71666View attachment 71667View attachment 71668View attachment 71669
I like the open space in the front and it creates some depth as well!
Dang, that's crazy. I have never dealt with it that long before. I use to just suck it out with an 1/4” hose a couple times a week and it would be gone after about a month.
I haven’t been very judicious about removal or aquarium maintenance that whole time. We went out of the country for two weeks and I think that’s when thing started going down hill. I’m hoping more regular maintenance will turn things around.
How long have you been battling this? Maybe skip the MB7 and just do the coral snow and vacuuming? In my experience, I only got cyano when there was some type of imbalance in nutrients.
I’ve also been using filter floss to get some of the gunk out. I’ve removed that for now to see if it’s the build up of detritus causing the cyano to keep coming back.
Here’s a few pics from my aqua sd order. I’m happy with everything and despite the shipping issues everything looks happy. The green bta are not so happy right now but they were looking good overnight and closed. The LPS have taken to the tank well and the cynaria has puffed up a good bit. The acantho is looking very happy too. I’m going to target feed tomorrow.
I also got a freebie favia from them.
So far the two LPS I ordered are looking great. The bta are not. One melted on my and the other is looking not happy at all. I’m pretty pissed they didn’t make it. Hopefully the other one will make a turn for the better
I also finally bought a generator and it got delivered today. It’s 4000 crank and 3200 watt running. Should be plenty. Going to test it out this weekend
I didn’t realize it’s been so long since I’ve update. The tanks had ups and downs. I had a hair algae issue that’s clearing up. The last time I really did anything with the tank besides topping it off was back in July before my surgery. Today I did a deep cleaning and water change. Something been irritating my Rasta colony so hopefully they’ll perk up. I have a bubble algae problem and need to grab some emerald crabs.

My daughter keeps asking for a new fish but I don’t have the capacity for a QT setup right now.

So right now the tank is mostly soft corals with a hand full of LPS. I pulled most the GSP but have a small bit growing on my left rock structure and some on a separate rock with zoas. The meat coral is still doing great and I’ve gor a few chalices growing out.

Zoas and mushrooms are taking over and I’m trying to decide where to put my hammer, frogspawn and torches

Have I mentioned how much I hate the 30” length of this tank 😡 It’s impossible to fit equipment let alone work under this tank.

I’ve been fighting hair algae for a while now so I picked up an algae turf scrubber. After a few issues I got it hooked up tonight. I need to seed it with some algae and hope it pulls some nasty stuff.

I lost a lot of my rainbow mushroom colony. I upped my light intensity and adjusted the flow a bit and I think that’s what did them in. Everything else in the tank is doing well though.
I feel you on tanks/stands that are narrow. My first tank was a 55g of some non-standard dimensions (the previous owner described it as a "55 wide"), and it resulted in a stand with not a lot of room to work in. I seem to recall it only had a single door that wasn't very big either. I was forever fighting to do anything under there too.

Sorry to hear about losing the coral colony, that really sucks, and is a good reminder to increase light intensity gradually, especially if you've just upgraded or added a new one - I accidentally nuked my green water culture just the other day thinking I'd give it some light while it was cloudy using my K7 mini. It did seem a bit bright in the jar, but, "algae loves sunlight, right?!" Alas, it does not love sunlight through a magnifying glass, which is what I may as well have been doing at that point.
I’ve had my radions set at their previous level for quite some time. I only increased the channels I run 10% it wasn’t a huge jump. To tell you the truth, I wanted those mushrooms gone since they were taking up so much space. I have a few left that are recovering so I need to mount some other corals before they make a comeback.