Need help with skimmer


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Hello all,

I have an Aquamaxx Cones HOB skimmer rated for 175 gallons. It uses the Syncra Shark 2.0 pump and what seems to have happens is that the impeller teeth within the impeller are now spinning freely so that I'm getting no bubble generation. From what I can see, it appears as though the piece was being held on the ceramic by only a small bit of silicon around the outside edge, but I'm unsure.

I'd like to know what the most effective method of reattaching the impeller teeth. Can I simply break out the super glue, or are there certain steps I need to follow. Or is the impeller a complete bust now and I need to get another one? Thanks in Advance!
You are probably going to need a new impeller. Contact Aquamaxx directly, they might just send you a new one for free depending on how long you have owned the unit.

Superglue might patch it up temporarily, but putting glue on to it is effectively adding more "material" to the impeller. Which in turn might throw off the balance of the magnet and cause to skimmer to not run at 100%. So I feel even if you go the glue method I would only do it until you get a new impeller.
Thanks for the info. That's what I suspected.

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I went ahead and ordered a couple of new impellers from Marine Depot and I'm waiting to hear back from them regarding replacement. In the meantime, I glued the teeth back onto the impeller. While I'm certainly getting better results than having no bubbles at all, I don't think the skimmer is very effective right now. I'm hoping that it's providing the tank decent aeration and perhaps getting some gunk out too, but I'll make sure to feed lightly until the new impellers show up next week.
I love your username btw. That comes from one of my all time favorite movies... I had to google it to verify my suspicion as my memory has faded with age but I was right :).

I have nothing else of value to add here than that... :p
Haha! Yes, it's one of my favorites as well...I am a meat popsicle!

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