Thanks all. Glad you like the pics. I've really enjoyed this hobby. I just started a smaller 20 gallon tank in my basement. I now have a yellow stripe maroon clown in there and he's doing quite well. I just need to figure out what other fish I should put in there with him.
Just a word of caution on Maroon's, they are extremely agressive towards other fish and are very territorial. Best be would be something that can hold its own. I have one in my 90g and she always goes after my hand or anything else that comes near her nem. Pretty fish just have a major attitude problem. :lol2:
I knew that when I got him. So far he's been good. When I do get another fish, it'll be another aggressive fish.
Funny thing is that one of my other clowns that I have which I now think is a true perc used to bite me all the time I would put my hand in the water. Irritating as can be!! That all ended after getting a flame angel and my yellow tang. They seem to keep him in line!!