New Tank Help - Bubbles


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Hi all...

I am putting together a new set up and got all the plumbing done last week...
I have everything running and my only problem is that I have a ton of bubbles from the return pipe...

I think it's because the return pump may be too powerful for the tank...
It's a nano reef that i'm putting together....with a 10Gallon tank on top and one below as the sump/refugium (not too sure yet)

Any thoughts on preventing the bubbles would be good!


is there a hole in your plumbing?

pics might help

are there bubbles in your sump?
i checked for holes and didn't find any....and there no bubbles in the's crystal clear....

The guy at the lfs thinks the pump is pushing too hard and too fast in to the tank which is what's creating the bubbles....they aren't micro bubbles but full blown air stone bubbles....

I am going to put a valve on the line so i can control the flow of water to see if that helps...maybe slowing it down a little will help...

I'll post pics of the project soon!
is there some sort of vortex in the sump that the pump is getting air through?

is your return line submerged when it enters the tank?
Victor....not exactly right. Putting a valve on the output will not shorten the life of a pump, most pumps have no problem handling a reduced output after the water has left the pump. The problem exists if you restrict the input to a pump, then yes it will overheat and shorten the life of a pump. Just wanted to clarify!