hello there folks, i have just purchased a 40 gallon breeder with live rock, live sand and 4 damsel fish and one unidentified fish.
lucky for me the damsels are hardy little critters, cos this may take a minute to get used to. Due to work/ time/ thanksgiving constraints, i haven't been able to purchase any water to do even a PWC ( the tank was refilled with it's original water) I have mixed up 10 gallons and had it sitting with a bubbler in it for about 20 hours now (4 to go) and as soon as possible i will do a 25% pwc. the nitrates are a little high (exact measurements are at home) but the phosphate is ok. Calcium is a little low and hardness was out of whack. hopefully the change will do the job.
the tank came with a HOB filter and powerheads. i have recently purchased a UV steriliser, and will be installing a sump as soon as i can figure out how it works with a refugium in it...good articles on site, and thanks to the admins.
i also will be adding a protein skimmer and may just purchase an RO filter due to the number of fresh and salt tanks i have.
have i forgotten anything? what is the best calcium adder?
thanks in advance
lucky for me the damsels are hardy little critters, cos this may take a minute to get used to. Due to work/ time/ thanksgiving constraints, i haven't been able to purchase any water to do even a PWC ( the tank was refilled with it's original water) I have mixed up 10 gallons and had it sitting with a bubbler in it for about 20 hours now (4 to go) and as soon as possible i will do a 25% pwc. the nitrates are a little high (exact measurements are at home) but the phosphate is ok. Calcium is a little low and hardness was out of whack. hopefully the change will do the job.
the tank came with a HOB filter and powerheads. i have recently purchased a UV steriliser, and will be installing a sump as soon as i can figure out how it works with a refugium in it...good articles on site, and thanks to the admins.
i also will be adding a protein skimmer and may just purchase an RO filter due to the number of fresh and salt tanks i have.
have i forgotten anything? what is the best calcium adder?
thanks in advance