New to the sump thing


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I have been in the saltwater aquarium hobby for years. I love it! However, due to money restrictions I have always done things the cheapest way possible. I have just put a 10 gallon sump under my 30 gallon reef tank. It is set up like the one on"><span style="color: #22229c;"></span></a> . Great site by the way. I am using an eshopps overflow. The overflow comes into an area of live rock. The flow moves into about a 5 gallon refugium with brilo algae, and some rock with hair algae on it. The water proceeds through a three baffle bubble trap and then hits the return area. Here a eheim 1260 carries it back to the tank. I have a remora hang on protein skimmer on the main tank.

I have used a skilter 250 power filter and a whisper power filter on the main tank before establishing the sump. My question is-Can I take the two power filters off of the tank? I have run power filters with white floss pads and carbon pads for so long, I cannot figure out how all of the appropriate filtration is going to take place without it. Any other suggestions for a newbie to the sump thing?