The ponies are in the tank. Cute little buggers. Here are a few pics. I put the macros and a couple gorgonias in, but haven't really aquascaped yet because it is my son's tank and that's his prerogative, but I think it is going to look really nice when it is done! Unfortunately, he's out of town for a couple days (on an awesome school field trip to Skidaway Island Oceanographic Institute) so he hasn't even seen them yet!
I've got an Aquatic Life mini skimmer in the tank now, but I'm going to pull that out as it was just too loud for a bedroom. The tank has the brine breeder for food supply and an air-driven filter to provide some water movement. It is hooked to the main system, getting a constant trickle flow through a quarter inch line off the main manifold, with a half inch drain line gravity fed back to the main sump (about 40 feet away).
Foxy sent 12 horses instead of 10, double the number of snails I ordered, and threw in the tan gorgonia as a bonus.
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