I just finished reading the whole thread. Just wow. I know how much effort went in to my build and Cant fathom the work that this has taken. Its really paying off as it looks stunning. The tank move into the room must have been nerve racking.
Oh the move was definitely a little scary lol. Everything's plumbed together now. Been running about a week. Netting for the screens will be in tomorrow. Screen frames made and waiting. Going to start dropping in fish tomorrow night hopefully. Ended up taking 20 bags of salt to get the salinity right.
The 8 fish in the back of house tanks never noticed a difference when I plumbed in the DT.
Here's a couple up and running shots along with a couple of the back of house tanks in their current state.
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Bean animal up and running sweet. Tested backup overflows and they could suck a jet engine out of the sky.
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Back of house fish are having wet dreams of getting into the big one tomorrow
Qt tanks had some bad luck on the last batch of fish and the coral qt was a disaster. Cleaned the fish one out last night and doing coral one below tonight. I might rethink the 55 gallon qt and go with a couple smaller tanks. The whole corner is going to need a redesign for sure.
Well, fish in the DT! It's crazy though, the moment they hit the water they shrink at least 50% in size lol. Seriously, it's a strange effect watching them all in smaller tanks before the hit the DT.
So far I have:
3 fire fish
1 anthias
2 pink skunk clowns
1 sail fin tang
2 cleaner shrimp
Still got about 12 more in the old 110g I'm trying to catch. Probably start the next qt batch in early October.
i an so exited, this build has been a long time coming, with a lot of bumps alone the way but when its all done........wow.
when this thing is full of live stock and fully matured it's going to look amazing!!!
i know it's a lot of work but thats what i think is half the fun, rock on brother.
I don't think I'll ever get these stupid fish out of the old DT. I've gotten 4 out of 13 so far. Now they all just hang in the doorway waiting for food to float out. They refuse to go on to eat all the food floating and on the bottom. Driving me freaking nuts!!!
Fish trap: 3
Hulk the tank demolisher: 10
Snapping shrimp: 1
Hulk mad! Hulk smash tank, get fish! Rooarr!!
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Dt now has all my fish except the snapping shrimp who buried in the sand and I couldn't find. Stirring sand made it impossible to see so he wins this round.
One funny thing, sailfin tang and yellow tang used to fight at times. Now they are buddies and swim together all day long usually within 6" of each other.
That huge leather coral I literally had to stuff in a 5 gallon bucket to get it to fit. Also had to leave a huge 12"x8" purple monti colony out of the water for 30 mins as I ran out of buckets. We'll see if it recovers. It's pretty ticked off but hasn't gave up the ghost yet.
Plan is to sell some corals and anemones next week and tear down the tank and sell it.
Couple pics of fish coming out to eat only a few hours after being in the new tank.
I really like that channel you made on the right side, and the arch work through out. The scale of this is so impressive! As is your attention to detail!! I can't wait to see this beast with the light rack installed and it lit up.
Whale Shark jokes aside... those fish really do look tiny in there. Are you planning on stocking some larger mature fish or are you going to stick with mostly juveniles? If you decide to go with any larger fish you may want to keep the 55 QT around a little longer. Also do you know what your total current plumbed water volume is?
I like jeuveniles and watching them grow so likely medium and smaller fish. I also like having more fish that are smaller. Definitely want a large quantity of anthias if I can figure out a quarantine process that keeps them alive better. Going to try for lots of tangs and will likely take my chances on an angelfish (queen/emporer hopefully). Probably not for a couple years on the angels though as i'd like to have a large coral base before trying them. I've seen large reef tanks with them before so I know it's possible.
I have 3 - 40 gallon breeders plumbed in as back of house and a 100 gallon rubbermaid sump that's roughly half full. I'd guess actual volume is a little over 1000 gallons. It took 20 bags of salt to get it to 1.025 and that doesn't include the sump or 3 - 40 gallon breeders which were already up and running.
Quick update. Old 110 gallon is now officially gone and all fish stuff is now all in the basement! Here's a pic salute to the old tank in its hey day.
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Started setting up all my apex stuff. Thus begins the mountain of work that is cord management and labeling. I definitely need a good label maker.
Also started trying to get my LTA to stay put in a glass jar so I can put it in the DT and have it stay put. Hopefully my experiment goes well! Couple pics of the frag tanks also.
Have a shipment of anthias, chromis, and a mystery blenny coming in tomorrow for qt. hopefully it goes better as last time was utter disaster.
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Can't find pics of frag tanks. I'll take more later.
Congratulations on overcoming all of the issues that haunted you throughout this build, I send tank MOJO on Ann your new livestock QT'S and can't wait to watch this tank mature. It's been a real pleasure watching it come together!
Thanks guys! No sharks lol. Considered a small eel but decided against it as I want shrimp. Also rules out a fair amount of wrasses too unfortunately. I have my chiller from the smaller tank but I'm probably just going to put a minisplit Ac unit in the fish room to control humidity also. Hopefully do that in early spring.
Finally got the light rack up and settled on my current pulley paradigm. I have a rope for each corner area and I also put in larger safety ropes in case I do something stupid with the pulley system. The safety ropes keep the rack from slamming into the tank or hitting water. I still need to put up one more ocean revive light on the front rack and then put up the back rack which will have 4 led lights across (turned perpendicular to the front lights. The posts in the corners and middle are for t5 lights I'll be putting up.
Things look a little jumbled because I have the lights aimed at rock structures instead of open sandy areas. Will need to pull out par meter soon and make some adjustments. I think the t5 may wash out the spot lighting effects. If not I might raise things a little. Also trying to keep light off the acrylic as much as possible.
Well not that it's going to stay out but the first anemone is in the tank lol. It's in a glass bowl full of sand and I've yet to get it to stay in more than a week. I'm hoping the clowns will remember they spent 2+ years in this anemone but so far they look clueless. Might put a couple frags from the frag tank in soon. If the anemone stays out I'll put rocks around the bowl so you can't see it.
Finally finished last qt batch and got 6 lyretail anthias out of 7 to live through the process, even beat a bacterial infection outbreak which was a first. Did lose 2/2 blue reef chromis. Those things are crazy not hardy. Not sure I'll try again on them. Maybe one more time but so far no bueno.