Outdrsyguy's 940 gallon DT Build

anit77;1105703 wrote: Not sure if you've thought of this but I would think a couple of used plastic Carboy water jugs would be perfect for this. You might be able to get them for free so that would be cheap enough ;)

Then get some http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=32501">acrylic tubing</a> and some [IMG]http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=42010&catid=833">murloc fittings</a> and you'd be good to go.[/QUOTE]

This isn't what I used and it worked great. I've even seen someone install a small float switch near the bottom so it sent an alert when it was low.
Thanks for the idea Adam! I assume you mean something like this

I just need to get some sort of stirring stick as alk can be a real pain to dissolve.
I think he means the 5 gallon jugs you can get at the LFS. They are commonly referred to as carboys.
Though, they are not as clear as the ones used for drinking water.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. For mixing I would do 2.5 gallons at a time in a bucket and fill the Carboy with a funnel.

To do links:
Type out the message and highlight the word or string of text you want to be a hyperlink. Then click the icon 3rd from the right (In Quick Reply, it's the 7th from the right in Advanced) The globe with a chainlink. In the popup copy & paste the webpage and click ok.

So this.

http://www.atlantareefclub.org/">Becomes this.</a>
But it will look like this--&gt; [URL=http://www.atlantareefclub.org/]Becomes this.[/URL
I removed the last bracket "]", that's why it's not another link.


*Edit* The 5 gallon jugs from a LFS would work too, and the caps would be easy to modify with fittings for the tubing. But like Grant said they are not clear, although not fully opaque either so you would know the level.

*2nd Edit" Hell, I even have a couple of the LFS jugs you can have.
BTW, links are easily done in tapatalk. I do them from my pc. From my phone I just post the website address.
Thanks a bunch for the schooling ;).
Was at a customer site today and noticed they had a bunch of the 5 gallon crystal water jugs and I nabbed 4 of them. Awesome timing! I'll drop a pic in a few days when I get them set up.
In my previous post I meant linking isn't easy in tapatalk...

Glad you got some carboys and you can't beet the price!
Just noticed tonight that my cleaner shrimp have paired and here's a pic of mommy with a full load of eggs under her back flippers. Now to sweet talk my oc clowns into breeding again. They still haven't settled in I guess.
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Also got 3 bartlets and 10 resplendent anthias in qt. Ttm is my preferred method with anthias.
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Cross your fingers they all make it!
Awesome that the shrimp are already breeding!

You mentioned at the beginning looking at the Triton method. Did you ever go further with it?

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I've made some preliminary design sketches to add a refugium but per triton it needs to be like 100 to 150+ gallon. I was considering a shallow one to mount up at the ceiling to have any chance of fitting it in the room. Something around 72x30x12 that drained into a surge tank which surged into the DT. Sounds cool but a potential maintenance nightmare and I'm still not done with the DT lighting and reversible gyre flow pattern I want. Plus I'm still trying to finalize the coral qt system to ward off another aefw disaster.
I'm on the fence about just doing an ATS and carbon dosing with maybe a trace element dosing occasionally. Also since I've switched to the TTM qt method and use DT water for the qt I actually end up doing a fair amount of water changes. Once I'm closer to full up on fishes that will trail off. But probably not for another 8 months I'm guessing. Just hard to qt so many fish!

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So I originally thought my angels had started eating my corals as they have developed a flat side in spots that's barren of polyps and the stone is exposed in places. But now that I look at it I think it's because the gyre effect is sand blasting them flat. Too much flow in the same direction too long! Gotta get my other side working soon so I can reverse the gyre.
It's actually impossible for it to be angel damage since they would have to be swimming in reverse super fast to stay in place and eat coral in those spots.
Cipps inc
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Finished my diy alk tank. 5 gallons and free!
Doing the calc in a day or two.

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Also put in diy waste line. I have a pump attached to tubing I just drop in the qt tanks to drain them. It pumps into the bucket and there's a decent sized utility pump (think basement pump) that pumps it into a garden hose, around the room and into my utility automatic pump that's attached to the sink.
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Finally couple of tank pics.
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alt="" /> http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/1107808=69733-IMG_9728.JPG">[IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/1107808=69733-IMG_9728.JPG" class="gc-images" title="IMG_9728.JPG" style="max-width:400px" /></a>

Last on was a pic from the back side where all the resplendent anthias hang out.
Chilling on the couch while the fish watch me play app games on the iPad. Man I love fridays.
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