Ownership Experience with Blotched Anthias?


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I got the latest Foster and Smith catalog, and there is a pic of this fish on the cover. Looks totally awsome, IMO. I don't know if I want to cough up the $200 for one, but they have three for sale.

Anyone ever owned one, and how are they in a reef system? They are supposed to be reef safe. This would go into a 210 gallon reef tank.

Any info is appreciated.
The store owner at Star Aquatics in Augusta had one a few months ago in his store display reef, 240gallons I think. I know he lost it in about a month or so though. I remember something happened to it, but cannot remember at this time.

They are really shy, similar to the Sunburst anthias. In the same spirit they do not care for the brightness of most brightly lit reefs. I have had a Sunburst for over two years and he really only comes out of the caves and shadows when the actinics are on. They also do not do well with aggressive tank mates or really hyper mates for that matter. I have two Bartlets and they irritate the Sunburst. I recently switched from 10k lamps to 20k's and he is starting to come out more. The shyness keeps them from eating which takes down their health as well. The availability of food and staying to caves would concern me in such a large tank, especially if it houses boisterious fish.

Its just my opinion as I do not own a blotched but do own and have experience with Sunburst.
They are also a deeper water species, so the coller the water, the better. They are reef safe, but little is known about their long term care as they have not been in the trade for long. Some problems people have been having have been swim bladder trouble from decompression issues, and internal parasites.
Thank you for the thoughtful, well written responses. I really appreciate it. I think I will wait a while on this one. Seems their possible propensity for hiding and posssible swim bladder issues, combined with the high price, might make this an iffy purchase.

Right now, tankmates would be a Purple, Naso, Sailfin tang, and a Coral Beauty Angel.