Parasite, Ich, something? Need Advice

well jenn, whats your advice for medicating besides a fresh dip...

four large fish, naso, yellow, purple
one medium male anthias
six chromis
2 clowns

Only thing available right now is a 30 gallon at the house as im trying to retrieve something larger
Jenn helped me last time but I wasn't paying attention to her advice I guess. 2 options: Either treat the hospital tank and change most of the water every other day or catch and treat then put back In quarantine. I took the first easier option and I missed a water change and that's what killed the last ones. I believe it was formalin overdose so if I would have to do this again I would go with formalin dips.
It was my one and only problem like this and I failed so I'm not an expert.
Interesting that the clowns are still alive - Brooklynella usually gets them first.

I have a 75g standard tank and a pine stand at the shop here on consignment but it may be more than you want to spend right now (not expensive... lmk if interested).

My weapon of choice is Hikari Ich-X. It's formalin based so it addresses ich, but it also addresses protozoan infestations - which is what Brooklynella is. It also addresses Oodinium and/or Amyloodinium, which can show symptoms somewhat similar to Brook, so if you aren't 100% sure what you're treating, that is a good choice because it gets a good variety of ills that look alike.

If you use that, you must NOT use Prime, or Alpha or other sulfur-based water conditioners - but I also carry Hikari's compatible product for that. Reason I mention that is because frequently people will use Prime to combat ammonia or nitrite that can happen from a quickly set-up hospital tank, and such. So I usually recommend getting both products. I'm not at the shop right now but I'm thinking they're about $7-8 apiece for those two products, in a 4oz size. I also carry the 16 oz bottle of Ich-X - don't know the price off the top of my head but in the $17 range. So it's not expensive but it works well in my experience.

Another member had a similar outbreak recently and I shipped him some and his fish pulled through - he posted as such on my sponsor forum a couple of weeks or so ago.


I still have my 90 gallon running if you want to stick your fish in there. It has coral, but no fish. Will a formalin dip cure brooklynella? I have formalin as well.
So an update for everyone - i completely broke down the display and are running the sump frag fuge by itself with no fish. All the fish were treated with Formulin 3 in a large container then moved to individual 10 and 20 gallons. Its not exactly ideal but its better than letting them just die off. I also want to give a big thanks to Jeff for offering to help and spending two hours of his evening listening to me ramble. Its members like these that make me proud to be a member of this club. So ill keep everyone updated on progress...

Also, how long should i run a fowlr tank now before adding the fish back
Sorry to hear that man. As always, feel free to come in and we can discuss some other options.
SEA Atlanta;766316 wrote: Sorry to hear that man. As always, feel free to come in and we can discuss some other options.

Thanks guys, i appreciate it, ill be in soon to discuss but had to make a move sooner than later. So lets hope for the best....

Update: lost the vlmingi tang ( sad) but everyone else was ok and looking better this am per the email i recieved

Ill tell you this much, even tho i dont personally quarantine myself as i typically try to purchase from LFS that notably did, i will never solely rely on that going forward.
So how long should i run a folwr system before adding everyone back? the web says 4 to 6 weeks, any experience?
gmpolan;766456 wrote: So how long should i run a folwr system before adding everyone back? the web says 4 to 6 weeks, any experience?

i would think thats about right. obviously the longer the better. wouldnt want you to have to go through all this again!
I ran my Dt Fishless for 4 weeks. I had Ich. As you know. So far so good. My Blue tang made it but still gets spots here and there.

When i got Brook I took everything out( BC 29 Yours is huge compared to this)

I bleached everything and Dipped all Coral. Chucked all sand
Doubt ill be taking all the rock or corals out honestly but it will run fowlr for a while.

Update all fish have passed except my naso, purple and yellow tang....boy this stuff is no joke even after treatment
So sorry to hear this. I can only imagine how stressful this whole process was. When my clowns in a 50g had brook I was going crazy. I could only imagine what it would be like on a large scale.
Update: one yellow tang remaining all other 15 fish dead even after treatment.

Absolutely devestating after everything else ive been through , def considering taking a hiatus from the hobby for a while

I cant emphasize enough how important Q is even if the garabage LFS tells you they do it already...
Thanks Kris, but honestly, im probably done with the hobby till later in the year as i cant justify running an aquarium that large for only a few fish and i cant justify spending another 1000 on replacing them either. Thanks again everyone for the help and advice....
gmpolan;768274 wrote: Thanks Kris, but honestly, im probably done with the hobby till later in the year as i cant justify running an aquarium that large for only a few fish and i cant justify spending another 1000 on replacing them either. Thanks again everyone for the help and advice....

No Problem man.

If i can help in anyway please let me know

Maybe this is the perfect time to let it sit out the sickness and slowly start again