Phosban vs. SeaChem Phosgaurd


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While my crummy phospate test kits say 0, my tank says otherwise and I just can't beat a very minor hair algae outbreak. Today I built a nano phosphate reactor with upflow to keep the media aerated and I'm using Seachem Phosgaurd since 250ml was $5 vs. $20 for Phosban. Is the Phosban that much better?
I have not used it but decided against in favor of ROWA phos because phosguard is made of alumina and can leach toxins back into the water where ferric oxide phosphate removers won't. Like i said i haven't used it but i decided to pay it safe and go with the ROWA.
Ferric oxide can leach into the aquarium. The trick to both is timely renual of the media.

I like phosgaurd because it's cleaner. GFO always seemed to release a ton of dust into the tank, even after heavy rinsing.
Phosguard does NOT leach. That's mythinformation.

I've used a variety of media, depending on each individual tank/problem etc. I've used Phosguard safely for many years.
