pink sock

Do you have a good skimmer? Also do you have a species name for that coral?
actually if you were a true aquarist you would know!! It is called an hypercornus appetuidesx - skimmer is one of the best, also i ate at a place today called MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!
Well you shouldn't have posted this if you didn't want people to question your setup. NEWB!
Sprayin70 - to be a true aquarist you must have at least a 90g aquarium, unitl then you must bow to thy feet
You can't even start to compare to my husbandry skills. I dip every coral then Qt it for 1 month. I also hand feed most of my corals and I HAVE A AQUATIC WEB SITE! When are you gonna start one. I try to help others with their hobby by sharing my experiences. This hobby shouldn't be for the selfish. Try helping others and people will help you. Stop trying to fit in by buying huge tanks. A true aquarist can make any tank a suitable biotope for their choice of corals. The brands of equipment and the "Rarity" of corals doesn't make you any more popular. Stop trying to buy your way into this hobby. Try being a responsible aquarist and I will gladly help you all I can. Sorry about the NEWB comment but it's true! You are a reckless reefer!
Psssh... I own both of you in reefing skillz. I have no sand and my corals will beat your corals @ss chris. That avatar looks just like your reef tank man.
I am sick of all the bashing!! Sprayin70 I dont appreciate your harsh words, if you knew anyhitng you would know that with the caliber of my equipment it qts everything while in the QT phase. I DONT NEED A QT TANK!!! dont start with me sprayin70 - I AM AN ADVANIST AQUARIST!!!! ouling my corals will crush yours any day you CHINESE DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well chris i know for a fact that at least you know enough not to dump a whole bottle of purple up into your tank or feed it energy drinks cough cough ouling.
mufret you should start an LFS in your basement - you rule the reefing world
Sorry Chris I bash everyone that thinks money can buy them popularity. Why don't you just try asking some intelligent questions instead of being so sensitive. I just don't understand your mentality. You are dealing with a complex environment, this isn't a forgiving hobby. When your tank crashes for a stupid mistake that alittle research could prevent don't ask me for a "frag handout" Please just think of the animals you are caring for. This is not a popularity contest. Do research and friends will come later. A tank full of "LE" corals won't add any true friends. Just people who want frags when they mature if they mature NEWB!