Please Id asap...At Friends


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Im at a friends...He has a 150 in wall...NOT RR. He has 2 Tunzes a HOB Berlin Skimmer, Eheim Canister (I know I know).

It started months back when everything dies due to broken heater (over 100 degrees)

We did a dozen water changes and everything was going cool...Now he has some nasty hair algae...

Perameters are good from what I see....Ideas?????

Heres some Pics I just took with his camera...ID and give some ideas please...
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there is an underlaying issue with phosphates. Quickly you could cut lights off for 2 or 3 days. That will rid of it. You could also start sucking some of it out right before lights go out.
LOL, That is the million dollar question.

Increased flow, decreased nutrients, Manually removing it at just about lights out, Getting rid of that canister filter would be a good start. They make a few products to "get rid" of it, but most will agree it is not a long term cure.
a> is not a bad place to start reading a bit.
Looks primarily like dinos to me with some cyano mixed in. It's not unusual considering what the tank just went through. You have to increase the nutrient export to get it under control. Fuge/skimmer/water changes will help.
I'm with Jin- it looks more like dinoflagellates to me. I had dinos once, and at first thought it was cyano. The dinos look a lot like cyano, but it's a bit more stringy.

Does your friend have any snails or anemones alive in the tank?
Here is the thread I started when I thought I had cyano:"></a>

The steps I took to eliminate the dinoflagellates were:

-Turned the lights off for 6 days straight, and wrapped the tank in towels to keep out stray light.
-Did not feed the tank for 6 days
-Siphoned off the dinos every evening
-Performed a 30-40% water change every other day
-Replaced the carbon and added a Polyfilter
-Raised the pH to around 8.3

Tell your friend I said good luck- dinos are not fun.
I had the same thing a couple weeks ago (I've had a hard month of reefing...). I ended up doing some large water changes (70-80%) over 2-3 days, and that fixed it. It worked out that I was flushing my last Interceptor treatment out of the water, and that I bought an additional 140g into the system all at once. In any case, it almost disappeared overnight.
Make sure you siphon it out. Resist the temptation to blow it off the rocks and sand as that will only help it spread. You need to get it out of the system.
Ill check it for ya jim or at least give you the directions L:)