qt tank


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after my last incident with the royal gramma my dad told me i can set up a qt tank.for all of you that dont know what happend. i bought a royal gramma in which the tail was cut off but it was not noticeable since it was hideing in the store, so i bought it and when i am at school my dad sees that the protein skimmer went crazy and he looked at the tank and the fish died. he went to petco argued for 1 min and they said theyll take it back and give us credit since it was their fault for selling a bad fish(it was a new person so dont take it against them).

well anyways getting on to the point of the thread, i am going to be setting up a 10 or 20g qt tank with ls and 1 peice of lr and a filter. any advice that someone can give me? we are going to make it next weekend along with the diy lr, is what we planned depending on my dads mood will make it true or not.
yeah dont use ls or lr in a qr tank just acclimate him to the water in your tank and then put water from your tank in the qt setup this also allows you to do a water change from your tank also put some pvc pipe for the fish to have somewere to hide but no lr or sand and if your have to dose meddication make sure you have another tank for qt as well that you dont put medication in
but then wouldnt the tank not cycle. or would i have to do frequent waterchanges from the dt.

i am new to the qt thing so if you have a good artice or two just link them. thank you
a> read it
thank you for that most of my questions are answered if i could i would give you rep.
blind1993;78222 wrote: but then wouldnt the tank not cycle. or would i have to do frequent waterchanges from the dt.

i am new to the qt thing so if you have a good artice or two just link them. thank you

Some suggest using other biofilters, but I think a nice size live rock is much better.
I keep some sponge in my sump. WHen I am ready to QT something, I drain some tank water and transfer it into the QT. I take out one of the sponges and toss it in the QT. This wil have the bacteria you need, and since the water is from the display, you will only really have one acclimation.

Btw, get seperate tools for the qt and the main. clean everything after qt, drain it and toss the sponge in the trash.

works for me.

Ooh, I also do some dips. Paragaurd and freshwater, before going into qt.
i am most likely not going to use any chemicals just makeing sure nothing gets into the dt.
is anyone selling just a tank. i am too lazy to post on the wtb section.