Random pic of the day thread

The outlet everything for my bedroom tank is plugged into randomly died on the 21st. The guy who repaired it had to move my tank slightly to get access to the outlet to repair and replace it. Since then, this damn anemone hasn’t stopped moving.

Above is my attempt to keep it from destroying my Forest Fire digi currently. I tried removing the digi last night, but it is far too attached at this point. Below, shows where it started off originally and then crawled down to within a few hours of the tank being moved back into place.
Wow! Very nice! It probably has its own air conditioned/dust free room, right?
LOL. No, it only ever runs super hot on certain games, and usually only when they're new or un-optimized... when I first built it, Cyberpunk 2077 (which is/was very CPU-bound) would have both my CPU and GPU riding their thermal limiters (about 90ºC), but eventually some driver updates and game updates fixed that. It helps that it has dust filters over all the intakes, and we keep our house about 68ºF all year.

Just need to build the rock scape, get 20lb bag of live sand, and some jugs of water and I can start the transfer process into the 40 breeder
Hey scottw. I noticed the aluminum framing. I have a bunch left over from a build I’m not going to do. It’s most of the pieces for a 5’ stand. I debated on selling it for scrap but it would make a nice tank stand. Would you be interested? Oh, it’s anodized black.
is that the new orphek? how you like them so far?
They are, it’s the Natura) I have been running one over my tank for a week. But from all of the reading and talking with a few guys running them for months I think they are one of the best lights on the market. We installed 4 over Adams 1st trough tank today and replaced some custom black boxes he had. They are beautiful and the color blend is spectacular. I am excited to see them long term. I’ll be running 6 of them over the 419 gallon tank that’s being built now. But I’m still about 8-10 months before our house is rebuilt from the fire (lost my Basment and part of my 1st floor).
Something random - last year I was at Myrtle Beach and bought some seaweed back to see what would come of it. Surprisingly it was home to dozens of tiny shrimp. 10 months later they are still hanging out in my ‘fuge. Most are maybe 3/8th to quarter inch.
Accidental frag is already showing new growth. I broke this little piece off the other day trying to move my forest fire digi away from a rogue anemone that’s been crawling all over the place. It’s fully encrusted onto the rock structure though, and only this little nub broke off. My use of a net to separate and irritate the nem until it walked off worked though, and kept the main colony nice and safe.
Slowly dipping my toes back into the SPS game with some “beginner” ones. The purple stylo was the first in this tank a few months ago, and is doing fantastic.