Random pic of the day thread


My little helper came to Premier with me yesterday to get more frozen food and an emerald crab for a bit of bubble algae in my bedroom tank. And for a replacement “purple fishy” since I sold my previous purple psuedo when I shut down a tank during my divorce from her mother. It was her favorite fish, so I knew I’d eventually be getting another for her.
So glad to hear that. It was this or my usual bubble king but wanted to try. So glad you like yours!
I’ve been running a 150 on my 70ish gallon for 3 years. I’ve never had a single issue with it. Doesn’t require a lot of tuning or break-in period either.
These mushrooms change how they appear depending on if you look through the glass or look top down. Looks the same with eyes as in this photo. Only ones I have that do that.
I can’t tell you how happy I am to have been table to take the video this screen shot is from. I bought “purple fishy” for my daughter on the 10th. The person who caught it damaged its tail pretty badly, and I didn’t notice it until after I was home and acclimating the fish. I put it into my 25g where it hid the entire 3 days until I moved everything into the 40b. When I finally caught it to move it over, the damage to its tail was worse but I was out of time and had to leave for work so I dropped it into the 40b and hoped for the best. Didn’t see it from Friday afternoon until Tuesday evening. The woman I’ve been dating happened to notice something purple dart out from the rock work. After essentially hiding and watching closely, I saw the hole it had been hiding in and darting back to. Last night, I was able to get good video of it coming out to eat. The tail still has a ways to go, but I think we are in the clear now. I’m so glad I can show my 3.5 yr old her purple fishy when I pick her up this evening from her mother.