RBTA help please


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I have a rbta that has been doing great till the last 3 days where it has been shrunk up some and the tentacles have been extra inflated. Today I noticed that 3 of the tentacles that I can see have what looks like openings in the very tips. Please help. I’ll attach some photos of the problem and 1 of what he normally looks like. I’ve had him for 5 months.

Ph 8.3
Ammonia none
Nitrate none
Nitrite none
Salinity 1.026
Calcium 400
KH 7.8
Mag 1160
Phosphate 0.25

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There hasn’t been hardly any nitrates in the tank… like ever. What’s the best thing to dose nitrates with?

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You got any clownfish in there? They bite the tips off the tentacles sometimes, especially while they're just getting to know a nem. Otherwise the nem looks fine. They do funky things sometimes.

I have perpetually 0 nitrates too but I feed the tank HEAVY to compensate. I think as long as they can consistently get nutrients from somewhere they're ok. My BTAs are doing great.

Aside from that I would try to get your Mag up to 1300 but keep an eye on salinity since that will go up a little if you raise mag and your salinity is already at the high end.
Hey @Steve Burton where do you get that no3 from?

The anemone looks fine today and all the damaged tips have closed up and are trying to heal. The only fish that were in there during the time of the incident was a spotted Mandarin. Cuc consisting of the regular blue and red leg hermits, some trochus snails and their million baby trochus snails, micro brittles, some stomatella snails that showed up out of nowhere, I’ve seen an asterina twice now in my tank, I’ve got a Halloween hermit, and a boxer crab. That’s it except coral that aren’t close to it. Oh and a couple aptasia and I’m sure there’s a brittle worm or two in there somewhere.

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I did add a pair of sunset long fin round tail clowns today tho

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I wouldn't start adding any chemicals just yet especially if you added fish. Let the nem and Clowns get familiar. Nem will recover