Hey y'all, Been a while since I posted-Tanks been up and running for right at 6 months now, and I've been battling nitrate levels, All my corals are dying, fish are doing fine, but I cannot keep corals in the tank-They die after about 4-5 weeks-I've changed water, bought an RO/RI unit, changed the gravel to sand, thoroughly cleaned the tank twice (it's a 46-gallon bowfront). Yet everytime I test the water, my nitrates show >40 ppm. Here's the WEIRD part: I took water samples to 2 separate LFS. Both said the water's fine!! If THAT'S so, Why can't I keep corals alive? I have adequate lighting, Corallife T5, that I leave on about 8 hours a day.
I dunno, freshwater was a LOT easier than this. I never imagined this hobby would be SO STRESSFUL!!! I'm almost to the point of trading everything in and going back to freshwater, but I know patience is vital, so I'm holding off a little while longer. ANYBODY have thoughts/ideas/suggestions about keeping corals? Corals are the reason I wanted a reef tank...
I dunno, freshwater was a LOT easier than this. I never imagined this hobby would be SO STRESSFUL!!! I'm almost to the point of trading everything in and going back to freshwater, but I know patience is vital, so I'm holding off a little while longer. ANYBODY have thoughts/ideas/suggestions about keeping corals? Corals are the reason I wanted a reef tank...