Ready to toss in the towel

Ironman58;188614 wrote: What's TDS? Total displacement something I'm guessing..Itwas a brand new RO/RI from Optimum...I'll buy another Nitrate kit. great idea!!

I was reading the water changes thread-I usually mix and change my water the same day instead of letting it mix for 24 hours...I'll change that too..

Thanks a bunch for all the help!!!
TDS = Total Dissolved Solids - with an RO/DI unit, it should be zero. You would need a TDS meter for that. It's basically a test of electrical conductivity, so if you have a voltmeter that can do continuity tests, dip it in the water, if you get continuity, you know your DI unit isn't removing all the dissolved solids.
dawgdude;188624 wrote: Also make sure you add salt to water and not water to salt. What number have you been mixing your salinity to?

I think it's 1.026- just a little bit more than the recommended...
dawgdude;188638 wrote: Here is that book I was talking about. With some of the questions you asked, I think this book would help alot to fill in your knowledge on the subject a bit more. This hobby requires ALOT of research and knowledge once you get past fish only tanks so just take it slow and let us know if you need some help selecting lights, corals or how to help a problem you have."></a>[/QUOTE]

THANKS! Just ordered it! :thumbs:
If you're using a hydrometer, take it to Sal at Saltwater City and ask him if he'll calibrate it against a refractometer or someone in the club can do it at the next meeting. With many hydrometers, they read much lower than actual so your 1.026 may be as much as 1.030.
Iron, If you were not so far away (and gas was not so expensive,) I would try to come out and help you one on one. You might want to check with some of the more experienced reefers in N. Cobb/Cherokee and see if any can spend an afternoon with you in exchange for some beer.

Either way, we will figure out what is wrong. Just put that towel away!
