Red Bugs, anybody dealt with them?

tsciarini;36696 wrote: The life cycle of RedBugs is approx 5days without a host. Assuming you can remove ALL acros from your system, treat them in a QT and hold them out of the system for atleast 3 weeks... you should be fine. That should be sufficient time for any unhatched eggs etc. Otherwise treating the entire system will wipe out inverts, pods etc as others have mentioned. Its all a matter of what resources you have and risks you're comfortable taking.

Agreed. My only issue with the qt is you have to remove all your acros and the encrusting.

If they are mounted on small enough rocks this might be possible but as cameron stated above I don't know many people who don't have them encrusting on their rock. Simply breaking it off won't work you'll need to treat the whole thing including all base tissue. If that's possible without tearing down your tank then by all means it's the way to go.

I would hate to see you go through all that trouble though to find you had some small encrustation left and you then got reinvested after all that work!

Again these guys don't have eggs. They are direct brooders. They die because they starve. You should be safe with a 3 week qt for sure.
Not sure whether this is a good deal or even legal but since we have a number of people looking, here's an alternative:"></a>

If you have a dog, it should be pretty easy to get a prescription.
sad that there hasnt been a medicine made for this issue that we can buy w/o a prescription. I see nothing wrong in what he is doing, except maybe over charging the hell out of it!
glxtrix;37034 wrote: sad that there hasnt been a medicine made for this issue that we can buy w/o a prescription. I see nothing wrong in what he is doing, except maybe over charging the hell out of it!

I dont know dude. This is a prescription med for a reason. I agree it is a bummer that there hasnt been a good readily available solution, but I certainly can't condone illegally trading pharmceuticals.
It is pretty sad, I can get an Oxy easier then I can get heartworm meds...

I do not think that most things that are vet meds should be perscriptions. There are very few narcotics perscribed. I have yet to hear of ANYONE misusing heartworm meds. Other then Ketamine, I can not think of any vet med making a cross over to human use on a wide spread scale. (And I do not know any vets handing out an RX for Ketamine)

I think it is stupid that I need my best friend to call me in an RX for topical flea med. If you ask me, it is just a way for vets to require an office visit.
I took the easy way out. I have a large dog, he needed heartworm med and I call and said I need Interceptor. There ya go. 6 new tablets. One for the fish tank, one for the dog, one for........... So besides helping Brandon this weekend I get to kill RB. DIE, DIE, DIE..............:shout:

Sorry Alan.
I treated for LRB about 6 months ago and have not seen them since:

I did 3 treatments as prescribed. I ran carbon but didn't do the massive water changes as suggested. I did a 20% WC after the last treatment. Everything was fine. My corals and fish didn't seem affected at all by the treatments.

I separated my refugium from the display during treatment so my pod population was unaffected.

I lost all shrimps, hermits, crabs that I couldn't get out.

My clams, tube worms, corals, shooms, zoos were all un affected.

Doug, Alan, PM me I might have a source for ya' :)
Xyzpdq0121;37091 wrote: It is pretty sad, I can get an Oxy easier then I can get heartworm meds...

I do not think that most things that are vet meds should be perscriptions. There are very few narcotics perscribed. I have yet to hear of ANYONE misusing heartworm meds. Other then Ketamine, I can not think of any vet med making a cross over to human use on a wide spread scale. (And I do not know any vets handing out an RX for Ketamine)

I think it is stupid that I need my best friend to call me in an RX for topical flea med. If you ask me, it is just a way for vets to require an office visit.

Brandon, take it easy on the vets- they aren't the ones that require the prescriptions, the FDA does. The vets are simply following the rules they are bound by. Something to remember, vets are doctors, the same as yours or my physician. And they deal in the same calbier of medication. I dont understand why people are OK with the fact that their physician wont give them a prescription med with just cause, but they expect their vet to throw out any drug they would like on a whim.
Indeed, our vets for our raptors often voiced similar concerns, where people just expect that vet med scripts should just be handed out whenever for whatever the pet owner wants... However, FDA guidelines are rules apply to vets just as well as pharmacists, psychiatrists and family practitioners. As far as the fed is concerned, drugs are drugs, and they want to control anything more powerful than asprin. As a result, ANYTHING much more powerful that asprin is subject to federal regulation, and those rules, laws, and punishments aren't less just because pet owners think they know better than the vets or docs or government. No differently than any "people Dr.", the vet is under just as much risk if s/he wrongly provides you with a script, sample, or bottle for any drug or medication on an FDA "schedule" that you don't have a valid use for that is consistent with its FDA approved use. Interceptor is not approved by the FDA for fish... It's approved for dogs, and even then they found something about it to be scary enough to decide it shouldn't be left up to the common citizen to make a proper decision about what to do with it; either because they might hurt themselves or their pet without proper veterinary care and regular checkups.

I've been on both sides, though as a falconer, even with a new vet all I had to do was bring the bird to the vet and they'd say "er, I don't know **** about this thing... here, you've got a state and federal license, you obviously know more about it than I do, here's your drugs," but that has a lot to do with the fact that I can bring them approved research to account for my medical diagnosis and they can verify many of these meds' usage on birds and raptors in their own books. Vets, however, don't know much about fish, generally, and they can't just be expected to believe because you say so that interceptor kills red bugs and and that you do indeed have said red bugs, any more than they should be expected to just take my word for it when I walk in that I have a doberman puppy whose ears are cropped and I need a bottle of ether in order to reapply the bandages, esp. if they've never seen me before and didn't crop said puppy's ears... Why should they take my word on it and just hand over a script for something that could get their license revoked and send them to jail. Even if they are also a hobbyist and know you and can confirm you have red bugs, still, prescribing any medication inconsistent with it's approved usage could get them in hot water, so please, do, take it easy on your vet, they're doing the best they can do - it's not as if they're super highly paid and regarded as paragons of society, as some people treat surgeons... I honestly have more respect for vets who do what they do out of love and compassion (not because they're going to get rich), unlike many Dr.'s I've met who were in it primarily for money and success, practicing guess-work in a white coat with a fancy degree.

The real question here is reliability and integrity of any Dr. who will just give you Oxy.
You can get interceptor without a prescription quite easily... I've done it for years. I simply buy all the meds for my 4 dogs and 3 cats from Australia :). It takes 2 weeks to receive a package but the meds are still cheaper than any other vendor i've found... and I buy in bulk so its worth it.
Yeah, my wife and I did that with Frontline once and I swear the stuff was substandard compared to what you get in the states.
Hmmm... that may be so. It's been effective for us but our dogs are all indoor powder puff balls so they aren't apt to get fleas/ticks anyways.
FutureInterest;37518 wrote: You can get interceptor without a prescription quite easily... I've done it for years. I simply buy all the meds for my 4 dogs and 3 cats from Australia :). It takes 2 weeks to receive a package but the meds are still cheaper than any other vendor i've found... and I buy in bulk so its worth it.

Well, you're not "supposed" to be able to do that. The company is Australia is not following the book. When going through customs (which they will have to do), they have the chance of being confiscated for being a non-FDA approved drugs. Customs doesnt like when people try to do that. The liklihood of someone getting caught for that is pretty miniscule, but it isn't "legal" as such.
FutureInterest;37530 wrote: So I'm breaking the law? :(

In a vague sorta way- kind of. The drugs used in such medications have been determined by the FDA to be prescription only. Different manufacturers make different brand names, but the drugs themselves are the issue. So, if you have purchased and have the drug, which is not FDA approved, or is acquired without prescription, you are circumventing the FDA's laws. They dont like that.

What would they do if they found out? I dont have the faintest clue. Probably just confiscate the drug, and say "you're bad". But technically, it would be comperable to getting a off product prescription meds from the black market.

I would invite everyone to be very careful about trying to skirt drug laws, the government has a poor sense of humor about it, and it is a concerning offense. Particularly with interceptor in this hobby, some people are quite cavalier on ways to commit prescription fraud. If you want to use this drug, thats fine, just find a legal way to acquire it.
I thought of a comparable analogy- valium is a prescription medication given out frequently by doctors to their patients. However, if you get caught trying to buy valium without the prescription- you're in trouble. Theoretically, they would treat you the same as the junky trying to score an illegal fix. Please be careful.
i personally dont think valium is a good comparable analogy here, its not like you have people doing illegal things to get interceptor cuz it messes them up. Its for fish tanks, a good cause at that I might add. Now if valium didnt have the effect it did and wasnt a sought after drug for people who need a bit of relief from what ever, then it wouldnt be a big issue either. Apples and oranges here really. To sum it up and I'll say no more after this cuz bickering is not my bag, but a medicine NEEDS to be made to treat for red bugs, its a very common aquaria issue, granted its unfortunate that you cant get it without a perscription but in the long run if I ever need it again, I'll do what ever to get it cuz legally speaking, if I'm caught with interceptor, there will be no punishment but if it were valium thats a different story.