Reminder: Do not start tank swaps at 6pm

Picked up a sweet arse sun coral today, was opening in my tank within 10min WITH the lights on. I'm going to see if it always opens when the lights or on, otherwise I'm going to try to train it to be open when the lights are on. On counting the heads vs. the price I paid, it came out to just over $1.50 per head! When I asked what it cost, I was kinda joking and gauging what I could expect to pay for a 2-3 head frag. When I heard, I said "I'll take it, please!"

And this pic is a close up, this is between the size of a baseball and softball!

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I'm only planning to feed it 2-3 times a week. Already made a feeding cone with a 2L top. The polyps are open all night (at least, when the lights went out at 9:30 yesterday they were out, and when I woke up at 11am they were out) so I'm gonna start trying to move its feeding schedule up 10-15min per feeding by squirting some cyclopleeze to entice the polyps out, then feeding mysis.
Yup, picked up one head of orange dendro too for 1/2 price with the sale going on. In hindsight, I should have bought something more expensive to get the most benefit, lol.
I know, I've been slacking. When I upgraded to MH I bleached and killed a lot of stuff and was pretty much kicking myself. I've been keeping a lot of frags in the frag tank and I've got a bunch that are ready to move over, but I want to redo the aquascape first, which will be a project for tomorrow or Wednesday. Figure a day for the water to clear and another day to get corals situated, figure I'll have some new FTS' by Sunday.
I didn't think the corals would bleach under 2x175's going from 4x54, but live and learn...

I think I'm set on plating montis, picked up 4 different ones from dawgdude last week to go with the 2 I already have in the frag tank, lol. I had a valida but it fell behind the rocks and died so I'd love one of those.
Both sides are free standing, but closer to the wall than the previous scape, hopefully leaving me more room on the sand bed.

I'm envisioning a few different caps going up the wall and on the overflow to fill that space.

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And this is how I feed the sun coral (you can see the shrimp hanging out thinking he's about to get a free meal). Top half of a 2L glued to 1/2" PVC tall enough to reach out of the water. Thaw a cube of mysis in a cup then pour into the PVC. Some of the food will hit the ground; this is good. Once the whole cup has been poured, the top and most of the polyps on the sides have closed up, they have food. By lifting the pipe 1/2" up and down quickly, water flows in at the bottom of the plastic and kicks up all the food on the ground. The polyps around the bottom of the colony grab their bits of food. Leave the cup on for an hour and voila! Pretty easy IMO.

One thought, I may need to drill a few small holes in the 2L to keep water flowing through there, figure a 2 dozen very small holes will be alright?

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au01st;438686 wrote:
I'm envisioning a few different caps going up the wall and on the overflow to fill that space.

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That would look great. And a cool use of space.
au01st;439947 wrote: And this is how I feed the sun coral (you can see the shrimp hanging out thinking he's about to get a free meal). Top half of a 2L glued to 1/2" PVC tall enough to reach out of the water. Thaw a cube of mysis in a cup then pour into the PVC. Some of the food will hit the ground; this is good. Once the whole cup has been poured, the top and most of the polyps on the sides have closed up, they have food. By lifting the pipe 1/2" up and down quickly, water flows in at the bottom of the plastic and kicks up all the food on the ground. The polyps around the bottom of the colony grab their bits of food. Leave the cup on for an hour and voila! Pretty easy IMO.

One thought, I may need to drill a few small holes in the 2L to keep water flowing through there, figure a 2 dozen very small holes will be alright?

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that is a great idea thanks for sharing!!!!:yay:
New (used) Octopus DNW-150 working in freshwater on the porch. Can't wait to see this thing in SW, though I feel I do need to invest in a collection cup, now. Also need to get a smaller pump, I think the one from my old CSS-125 is a bit overpowered as a feed pump and likely part of the issue.

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Whew, just barely fit it in there (TWSS), and that was after removing a baffle (TWSS? lol). I think I lucked out in that the amount I had to close the ball valve was the exact amount of room I had left.

Still need to make the drain pipe a bit lower, it sits about 2" above the water level and is pretty loud. I went to HD to try to find something, but nothing fit...crafty Commies...

Anyways, pics!

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I can't take the lid off...
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Lookin good. This thread got me thinking about hot sauce again though
Ok, well in an effort to reduce some "clutter" and get my new calcium and kalk reactors INTO the stand instead of sitting on the outside, I'm thinking of re-doing the sump area. I will leave the tank as is, and remove the skimmer on the right side. That side will be the fuge and will have all incoming water dumping into the area. It will still be lit, but will basically be just rocks and chaeto (yes I finally got it growing!!!). Since my fuge has no sand, not worried about that.

Where the fuge sits will be the skimmer (it's external after all) and will tap off of the return pump to feed it (may need a larger pump?). It will be at the back of the stand and the return pipe will feed back to the "fuge" section. The CO2 tank and CA reactor would be on the far left in front (CO2 tank may sit outside, don't know how big of one I'm going to get yet), and the kalk reactor would be just on the left side of the sump, so the drip from that would feed into the return chamber.

Am I overlooking anything here? My main concern is the skimmer footprint fitting and having full range of the ball valve, but it can't be any worse than I have now. This would also allow me to remove the feed pump for the skimmer and some unsightly hoses. The only drawback I can find is that the chaeto may have a high flow rate , but don't know if that's really all that bad; it's growing much better since I turned up the flow in the fuge.

Am I overlooking anything?