Reminder: Do not start tank swaps at 6pm

Was seriously wanting to get rid of my 75 and get a 110 but I think you guys have just talked me out of it. Don't like hot wings but feeling the need for taco chips with hot salsa and cheese.
Eibli Angelfish and another Powder Brown, no ich on this one...

Hoping I don't have problems with the angel and my clam/acans/zoas. We'll see...

Pics when the lights come on if they aren't feeling shy.
Get it fat and happy in qt. Do the same in the display and you shouldn't have a problem with nipping. Well you will cut your chances back greatly anyway
PBT is looking GREAT! Eibli didn't even make it out of the bag, not sure what happened to him, maybe stress of being caught?
Sorry to hear. You didn't get them off of a certain ebay store did ya?
Negative, local store ordered it for me. They held it a week for me.

I guess, I misspoke, he didn't perish, but was sideways and was laying sideways on the bottom of the QT, still breathing. I just checked and he was sitting upright, not swimming, but not on his side either. There is hope for a miracle...
Sounds good! I snagged my powder blue from a now closed lfs while it was laying on it's side ($20). Weeks after qt and heavily vitamin soaked nori feedings and mysis he was eating out of my hand. Now the fatty is doing great 3yrs later.
Sounds like you have a fighter. FEED HIM!
Didn't make it. However I was smart enough to take pics while the bag was floating and went back to the store yesterday. They are ordering another one this week which should be here Thursday.

Figures, the Powder Brown has ich spots this morning....:shout::sad:
Here's the RO/DI container setup that saved me from flooding the other day.

The kalk reactor runs on an controller on a timer on my RKL. There is also a check valve to prevent kalk feeding back into the top off reservoir...that's a nice new addition. The RKL kicks the setup on and the tank tops off til the controller stops it. The timer is set just above my daily evaporation rate divided by 4 (12am, 6am, 12pm, 6pm). It also has an alarm set so if the pH hits 8.41, the pump stops topping off kalk. The top off feed is set to turn on appx 5min after the kalk feed turns off, and is allowed the same time intervals, and controlled by a separate float switch in the sump. In the event that the pH alarm trips and the kalk reactor turns off, the RO/DI feed will continue topping off with fresh water so the tank doesn't run dry.

The top off for the container is set on a timer to run twice a week. I estimated the time it takes to fill the container by measuring one night, then added an extra 30min (in case of low water pressure or something else?). The tank fills to the drain level which runs a line through the wall and outside. I'm thinking of putting a garden out there since I'm routinely dumping a few gallons per week outside...(I don't pay for water, it's included in the rent. I'm sure if/when I do pay for water I'll find something a bit more economical).

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Some nice coral pick ups from the April meeting. Also got a pair of clowns and a LARGE Foxface.

Candy Cane colony
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Green Polyped Toadstool (it's about 7" across)
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Yellow Turbinaria
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And I forgot to put this brain up when I got him
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Here I present Jeffrey (Dahmer), my Harlequin Shrimp. He's been in there around a month now, and while he's made no significant dent in the population of asterinas, I always see him with one in his hands. Best pic I can do for now til I borrow a camera with a good macro lens.

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Harleys are such cool shrimp. I have one in my 300 gallon and one in my 150.
Yeah, I think I'll have to have one in any future reef tanks as well.

Question: How long are cleaner shrimp supposed to live? Mine is coming up on 2 years old, and he was already "big" when I got him. I see molts every month or so, just wondering if I'll have to start looking for a body soon?
And the pic I couldn't enter in the POTM contest....

Actually just snapped it yesterday so it wouldn't have been on time...that and being on the committee...just not fair.

I think it mighta had a shot at the #2 spot.

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And I thought this was cool because it shows him chasing the nori. He'll tear off a piece, drop it in front of the Tunze, then chase it around the tank. Then he'll go blow bubbles through his gills (thought it was unusual at first, turns out it's common for the Foxface to do the bubble trick).

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Just a representative image of how many asterinas I pull out EVERY MORNING...Got a good system. After turning the pumps off, I have a large 8" net, and use my extend-able scraper to rake them upwards (much easier than down) from the overflow. They come loose and begin floating down where they are caught by the net. The whole process takes just a few minutes. I usually open the hood and begin thawing food, do this procedure, then feed when that's over so time is maximized. Oh, I also included a pic of where these dreaded things end up :D

I counted 47 in here
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Home sweet home! 1hp disposal...
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I am just not purchasing any more livestock from that store (not in ATL, it's a local one here). Every fish I've purchased from there has died. Even the ones that were seemingly healthy, dead within a week. Now I've received some fish from other sources (online, other members, etc) and they're still alive. I even had a pair of ocellaris clowns from there earlier this year. Dead 5 days after I got them. Got a pair of Bob Z's, they're still kicking it and just started hosting my large toadstool leather, had them a few months now.

This leads me to think it's the source of the fish and not my tank, however the manager of the store doesn't seem to believe me or care...