or Liveaquria order?

mistergn10 wrote: After all the Frieght on those buckets of salt what have you really saved? Shipping must be at least $15 per bucket. You can buy that stuff at any store for that price.
You still save big time. If you buy 4 buckets of Reef Crystals and have them shipped to your door they are around $35 each including shipping which is much cheaper than any LFS that I know of.
mistergn10 wrote: After all the Frieght on those buckets of salt what have you really saved? Shipping must be at least $15 per bucket. You can buy that stuff at any store for that price.

Considering each person pays about $5 in shipping... (I do not have the final figure yet but it will be somewhere around there.) That $31.00 bucket of salt costs you $36.00, Your next one only still costs you $31.00. You tell me where you can get Reef Crystals for $36?!? Much less two buckets for $67?!? Heck, it is a deal if you can find IO in a bucket for $59.00, That is for ONE BUCKET!!!
Man, The Fedex guy is going to hate me on Monday morning. He will be dropping off 350 lbs of salt!
Ouch too late to add in another bucket. Ohwell 1 bucket will last me about 6 months :D

I would not want to be there when that ups person drop off those salt.
Xyzpdq0121 wrote: Man, The Fedex guy is going to hate me on Monday morning. He will be dropping off 350 lbs of salt!

Sometimes the delivery guys get a little ticked about this kind of stuff. :doh:
Stevhan and I were talking about that tonight. He was telling me that he order a couple dozen buckets a while back. I think he mentioned the guy(s) had to carry it up some stairs as well.
LOL No stairs here thank god but the Fed-ex guy is a jerk so this is pay back... The UPS guy I would feel sorry for but the Fed-Ex guy has it coming to him...

Wolfie: not to worry, I will be placing another order in about 6 months.. :D

Next Up: Start thinking about your fish and coral orders... Once SWF or Liveaquria gets some more stuff in stock, i will be placing that order. (I hope within about two weeks!)
Yep, you guessed it... The fed-ex guy was pretty pissed off! Oh well, it all came today safely. Anyone who ordered, I do not have my list right now, contact me at 770-654-7934 for pick-up information. If not, I have 350lbs of salt for a 55gal tank!!! Waterchange city!

Also, I am going to do the fish order this week or early. I just contacted them to see if I can special order a few things that I know people wanted that they have been out of stock on. I am wait to hear back. But if anyone needs anything for a good price from
a> I am trying to get the min order up to $80 so there is no shipping. Piggy-Backs welcome and the prices can not be beat!
Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10
I'll take 2 :p
there your $20 worth of stuff.

I can come and pickup my salt this thursday, or the weeken. Whichever is the good time for you.

WOLFIE wrote: Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10
I'll take 2 :p
there your $20 worth of stuff.

I can come and pickup my salt this thursday, or the weeken. Whichever is the good time for you.


Wayne, Either works for me... I work from home so am normally here!

Thanks for your livestock order! ;)
I have a livestock order as well. Hopefully you can make your minimum. I am pretty sure that together we can make it. :)
You have PM
There are a few things I want, but they don't have them in stock. If you decide to change to LiveAquaria, let me know cause I am in.
We can go through Liveaquaria is everyone wants. It is the difference between free shipping and about $5-10 shipping for each person. Majority rules, so far we have enough for free shipping with SWF.Just let me know. I will be placing the order when I get some cash back for all the salt! ;) My better half got back in town last night and said, "Ummm, honey, can I ask.... Why do we have 350 lbs of salt sitting in the middle of the livingroom?!?" My only response, "But babe!!" Moral of the story, I need to unload the salt first! ;)
LiveAquaria was more expensive on my livestock order and out of two of the four items that I had asked for :( I like
a> better.  :)  :)  :)
I am going to piggy back on the clam order since it is free shipping as well. I would go saltwaterfish, but they just don't keep what I am looking for in stock.
Ya I just tried to make a "sample" order on live aquaria. They only have half of what people have already sent me in stock and what they do have in stock is a bit more expensive plus shipping. I think Saltwaterfish is the way to go.

Cameron, what are you looking for that they do not have. I already got in contact with them to get my yellow tang in stock that they are out of, I can see if I can do the same for what you want.
Anyone else need anything. I am planning on placing the order tomorrow so it will be here on Tuesday.