Show your tank(s)!!!

Can't forget about the 150 African tank.

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leveldrummer;53532 wrote: holy carp jay, are all those tanks running at the same time? whats the dimensions on the 600, im considering putting a tank together that might come close.
They are all running, and a few more, I have about 2000 gallons in salt displays. The 600 is 120L x 48W x 24H
Do you just go on reef forums to post your beautiful big a$$ tanks to make us want to buy more stuff??? You must be part of the LFS agenda!! lol, just kidding, your stuff is very nice!!! :up: :up: :D
Wow. That's an amazing setup.

He's only 1100 miles away. Road trip?
I bet in a year or two maybe three that big tank would look very good. All the corals would be grown.
well here is mine. It used to look better before I lost some stuff to RTN

I've made the stand for the light myself so I had to use the zip lock bags at the feet because it is iron and will rust. use to be 16'' off the water but now 8-9''.

The latch on the bottom of the tank is for the devil in our house like that to play in the sump.

Lights are PFO 400X 2 along with some actinics that i never use.

Sump is from HomeDepot Aquatics

Nothing fancy, the only tech thing is the 1/6 chiller in conjunction with 3 fans to suppor life in my tank.

Terminator II skimmer that gets the job done and some floss filter and heavy heavy use of carbon.

Big refugium from a 20 gallon biorocker, use with a flushing system to create surge in the tank. Alot of macros and alot of mysis and pods, with a few darf white feather duster in there and some cleaners.

Been up for 1 year, 80% of things in there are cultured, i try to be enviromental friendly... just not the lights...

Some high flow korlia's and 1 seio 850. mag 9.5 feed the refugium flusher and the main tank. 1 maxiject drives the skimmer and chiller. Chiller controls all the fans and heaters in my tank. Home made dual overflow that outflows a mag12.

Looked alot better a few days ago before my entire forest of Anacropora and other SPS died.
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Here is a link to live web cams I have set up on a few of the tanks; Windows users need to use the Java Viewer located on the right side of the page to switch between tanks, MAC users need to use the MJPEG Viewer to view the tanks.

wow everyone has great tanks. here is my 35 hex reef. only been up for 1 1/2.

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I loved my 10 gallon, but it's so crammed I have to upgrade to the 20 L to give everything room to grow. Since I like the clean mysterious look of the blue background under the 150W sunpod MH, I am going to 'not' let CA grow on any of the glasses. The tank is BB, no skimmer yet, but I will get a Remona soon.

Here is a photo of the super crammed 10G: 068.JPG">[IMG] 068.JPG" class="gc-images" title="SD450 068.JPG" style="max-width:400px" /></a>

Here is the 20G long:
[IMG] 081 resized.JPG">[IMG] 081 resized.JPG" class="gc-images" title="SD450 081 resized.JPG" style="max-width:400px" /></a>
Looks great Jean! I need you to come over and re-aquascape my tank for me...

...don't worry, I'll save you if you fall in :)
Here is a pic of my BB75RR.
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