Sick fish?


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So two days ago I put in about 50 lbs of live rock in my tank and yesterday my yellow tang was dead. Today I noticed white spots on my tang. What should I do and what is this?
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could be....

could you get a clear shot of his gills and also without the blue lighting?
Did the yellow tang have white spots as well?
It is very possible you have started a new cycle. I would test and do a water change, go to the nearest store or friend and borrow or buy some good bacteria. Even if rock has only been out of water a short time it can cause problems. Do you have a qt, it might help to move your fish.
I would say it's ich but if it's a fast killer like what I had a while back it could be brooklynella.
Both have the same symptoms except brook kills fast.
I have a mixed reef tank and was told only one cure for book and you can't do it in the main tank cause it would kill the corals, so I came up with my own treatment in the DT which saved 11 fishes but I lost 9 over all.
Pm me with a ph# cause it to much typing for me and we can chat when u have time.
Raz what is qt? I also have good bacteria already.

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Sica118;1033570 wrote:
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wow that is a hell of an ich outbreak.

almost copper / hospital tank worthy

you are gonna need a second tank... heater and lights out.

Im not sure if a fw dip will help but it wouldnt hurt to rid of anything on the surface (fish's scales) before you quarantine.
Not sure what Fw dip is? I'm still new at this and this is my first major problem.

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Sica118;1033573 wrote: Not sure what Fw dip is? I'm still new at this and this is my first major problem.

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If you cant get a hold of methalyn blue.... use RO water and slap that fish in there for 10 minutes.

He is going to get lethargic and start looking dead but will wake up by the 4-5 minute mark due to oxygenation. At this point he will want to get out fo the bucket... after about 2-3 minutes of that, slowly add some fresh (warmed) marine water. Dont dump him in directly back in the tank or he will have a heart attack.

The osmotic pressure bursts the ich on the surface gives them instant relief.... the stuff below will need to hatch (aided by heat)

the darkness is to prevent ich from understanding which way to go.

The other option is copper in another tank....
So just RO water for 10 mins no salt added? Then 5 mins add some of my salt water to the bucket? Or put him in a small tank?

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Sica118;1033577 wrote: So just RO water for 10 mins no salt added? Then 5 mins add some of my salt water to the bucket? Or put him in a small tank?

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Well you have 2 issues... Your display has ich too.
If that is your only fish... put him in a hospital tank and treat him there. The stuff in the display will eventually die (barring no other hosts remain).... but you are in for a 2 week battle.

How small is your small tank? That Naso tang looks fairly large.

The time scale is just a rough estimate.... your naso could be weakened by the outbreak and need less time. I usually wait 2 minutes from the time they start trying to gulp air or get out fo the bucket when they come to.

be sure to measure out your marine water, make sure it is heated correctly when you SLOWLY add the water back up to salinity
I don't have one yet. I just noticed the issue tonight. I have the brown tang and a pair of vivid clowns. Also have coral in the tank.

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Sica118;1033580 wrote: I don't have one yet. I just noticed the issue tonight. I have the brown tang and a pair of vivid clowns. Also have coral in the tank.

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If you have two 5 gallon buckets you can get creative. It'll provide immediate relief, but it wont solve the underlying issue until you can separate the fish from the tank.

I advise against dosing your display tank or you could have a bigger problem than ich.

Unless another member has has had success with a copper-free medication
I have metro and focus you could borrow. I am not sure where you are located, but you are welcome to come get them. These are supposed to be reef safe medications. I am just north of Buford off I85

Guess I should add that I had little success with these medications but some have had success. May be worth a try if you can't do anything else.
I use Ruby Reef Kick-Ich to treat ich directly in my display for years and getting good results.
I don't mean to alarm but the ONLY thing that works for me is to quarantine the fish and let the tank sit fallow for AT LEAST 6 weeks. Longer if possible. Ich is a pita.