Skimmer Questions

I have a coralife 65 with those mods I talked about, dont know if you'ld be interested. As far as skimming a tank or not, Ive seen both ways done on large and small tanks. Personally i have skimmers on my tanks but didnt in the first place. It does pull alot of crud out of the tank so it makes me feel like its doing something. I have the Aqua C skimmers, very awesome and works wether you have a sump or not, but they are intended for HOB use.
I would seriously look at that Octopus model NW110 for $135. It is cheap and should handle your bioload very well.
I'll take a look! I found a Euro Reef at Marine Depot for a GREAT price. It is the RS-80 Extruded Acrylic.
It is a great price and is equiv to the Octopus model I listed. The EuroReef should perform better, but I won't go out on a limb and say 25% better which is the cost difference. Also this is right at the limit for Maroon's tank. Keep in mind all manufactorers overstate there skimmers capacity.

I would also add the same model Octopus comes with cast not extruded acrylic.
yeah you should always look into a skimmer thats rated 1/4 to 1/2 more than your tank size.
Do you think it is too big? I definatly know they rate them lower to make more money. They do this with chillers too.
You will get an idea of what a EuroReef can do if you still want to try that G3 of mine. With all the mods it should skim as good or better than all but the biggest EuroReefs.
What about this skimmer?:"></a>

It's a Pacific Coast recirculating skimmer nearly identical in design to the EuroReef, but MUCH cheaper. If I was in the market for a skimmer I'd take a serious look at this one.
Pacific Coast and Octopus are the same skimmer with different names to my knowledge. I think they are the same right down to the same pump.
Thanks for the input guys. I think i am going to go with the octopus skimmer. Thanks