skinning a 2x4 stand

Thanks. Here's with some of the trim on
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Going to rent a brad nailer and put the moulding directly on top if this 1x4/1x6 after sanding it all flush. the moulding will actually hide the vertical "seams" on the front. The sides will just be filled and sanded

Unfortunately I had a stop progress when I flooded my basement over night

Trap door fits nicely. Just needs some trim to make it looks squared
And some magnets to hold it in place

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Slowly getting there. Today was supposed to be a finishing day
Not exactly the update I was planning but got a little work done today. Hopefully all day Tuesday I'll have some time for it. With the flood and everything else going on, I lost the last full day I had.

Tomorrow I hope to finish the trim and get it sanded flush. Tuesday I hope to have the moulding on and maybe even a coat of primer

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Finally have a full day to work on the stand! Just wanted to take a break for a minute and share this design that I borrowed from Jeff's 93 cube stand build (along with most of the general design of the frame)
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Looking good. And as for you signature line.....I never thought you would be 23. hehehehehe
Thanks! Two of my favorite bands (blink 182 and incubus) mention being 23 in some of their more known hits. That's where both my most recent signature lines came from. "Never thought I would be 23 on the verge of spontaneous combustion (woe is me!) but I guess that it comes with the territory" -pardon me, incubus.
"Nobody likes you when you're 23 and you still act you're in freshman year" -what's my age again, blink182.

So there is a little background history for you lol.

Got all the trim sanded flush and square, decided to go ahead and fill over the small gaps. Waiting for it to dry so I can sand again. I know this is a long long build thread, but hey, maybe the details will help a noob like me build something. *disclaimer* there is probably an easier way to do everything I have posted.. I wouldn't know!
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JDavid;894891 said:
Thanks! Two of my favorite bands (blink 182 and incubus) mention being 23 in some of their more known hits. That's where both my most recent signature lines came from. "Never thought I would be 23 on the verge of spontaneous combustion (woe is me!) but I guess that it comes with the territory" -pardon me, incubus.
"Nobody likes you when you're 23 and you still act you're in freshman year" -what's my age again, blink182.

Nice! The stand is looking good, you have some skills...can't wait to see the finished product.
Thanks Dave! I can't wait for it to be finished either!! (Neither can my girlfriend lol!!)
heathlindner25;894913 wrote: just remember the old saying" caulk and paint will make it what it ain't"
it's looking good

Lol, thanks. Funny thing, often while I'm working on this I think back to a time maybe six mints ago when I needed a stand for something, can't even remember what. I was over at your house an you told me "just build one". I probably looked confused so you went on "yeah just build one out of 2x4's."

I just remember thinking "that is insane. I am not going to trust myself to build anything to sit a heavy tank of water on"

Lol. I've come a long way haha

Edit: Btw I don't think I'm gonna be needing that wet/dry (maybe but probably not)

I do need a decent pump though. Just for a 30g with a small sump
I haven't had ANY time to work on this thing. Today I spent maybe 30 minutes sanding the putty and then had to go run an errand and got my trim white I was out. Now I just cut some pieces (the top build up is a little long so I can go back and cut it at an angle) just to lay it on the tank and see what it looks like. The top piece of the buildup at the top of the stand is a little bowed and you can see thye shadow. When it is nailed in, it will obviously lay flush with the bottom piece. I decided to do a buildup because I couldn't fins a profile that was anywhere near 6" wide anywhere.

here is a taste of what it will look like..... eventually....

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Edit: wow those pics suck. lets try that again

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I know what you are thinking..
"Just update us when it's finished!"

I haven't had hardly any time to work on it. Just a photo update of where I am at. I haven't totaled it all out but if I ha to guess I'd say I'm somewhere over $250 deep in this stand aleady. So yes, I'm going to finish it lol.

Here is the stand as it sits.
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SnowManSnow;898662 wrote: what does that thing WEIGH haha...

A bunch and that's an estimate. :)

I am going on a cruise.....on my lawnmower around my yard.
I figured no big deal since I'm not gonna be carrying it around on my back, but I can pick it up and move it by myself no problem
Its all about saving some money in the end. Remember there is still all those little things you will need that pop up and burn holes in your pockets.
But I cant wait to see pics.

Edit: There the pics are stupid computer loads so slow today. I like the way it looks all the small details bring some character to it. Looks heavy lol. I have a problem with building heavy stands.
After putting this off for a LOONG time, I did a little work on the stand today. I think I liked it best with just the 1x4 and 1x6 trim.
just filling and sanding the poorly added moulding over and over again. Soon I'm just going to slap some paint on it and be done.

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