Sump, how big should it be?

With the help of my slightly resistant assistant (he had to put the controller down to the XBox 360)......

I have learned a few things.

FIRST, the water appears to only drain about 1/4-1/3 of the way down in the overflows. This is true on both sides. doesn't appear to even go all of the way down to the grate looking thingies.

SECOND, the water that feeds the back of the sump (where the water is SUPPOSED to come into the sump) stops running after several seconds.

THIRD, (and though they say three's the charm, I have my doubts here) the two elbowed pipes that are SUPPOSED to be pulling water back out of the sump and into the tank via the external pump, in fact, begin to back siphon into the sump.

I waited until the eleventh hour, so to speak, right before it was getting ready to overflow the sump before I had Tyler plug the external pump back in the power source.

What next? (other than the pending doom and panic feeling that I am slowly feeling creep up on me)

Oh.....and to answer your question Barbara from earlier as to the location of Monticello. Its basically the sticks. If you are looking at a map of GA. Run I20 eastbound, out through Lithonia, Conyers and Covington. When you get to Hwy 11 (which is also the turn off for Monroe and Social Circle, just in the opposite direction), run southbound for about 30 minutes and you will be in Monticello. Its where they filmed My Cousin Vinny. We sit between Lake Jackson, Lake Sinclair and Lake Oconee (yet I am land locked?). If you are running 75 southbound out of Atlanta, you would come down into the Forsyth exits and take 83 eastbound and in about 20 minutes you would be in Monticello. I'm north of Macon, south of Locust Grove off of 75.
it sound like it is forming a syphon in the return, so we just need a syphon break.
Lead said JUST....that sounds promising.

I do have an off the wall question, why does the bunny appear to have a pancake on its head? :confused2:

You tell me what I need to do, and I'll do my best to follow your directions.

I'm excited....I think it was the use of JUST. That or its fatigue.:eek:
well the pancake is just so you look at it funny, ok a siphon break is nothing more than a hole in the return just under the waterline so that if the pump shuts down the water in the pipe will suck air instead of water out of the tank. so where your return comes out of the overflow we need to drill a small hole.
Have a cookout for everyone and make them help you on site. When they smell the burgers is the time you spring on them "oh do ya mind helping me with this?"
well the pancake is just so you look at it funny,****it worked. I've wanted to ask several times, but trying to stay on task here!

Ummmm, I already have two tiny holes, they spray out water when all is right with the world and the pump is pumping and such. Are my tiny holes misplaced? Or are my tiny holes too tiny?
Smoothie;370483 wrote: Have a cookout for everyone and make them help you on site. When they smell the burgers is the time you spring on them "oh do ya mind helping me with this?"

Hmmmm sounds like how I got my first house painted years ago, but it involved a keg of beer and VERY little painting! Ended up hiring a painter (didn't let him drink though :D)
its hard to see but if you look closely you will see a hole in the pipe right at the waterline, that is a siphon break.
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Yeah I see it....I have one of those, one per overflow. I wonder if its on the wrong pipe?

So, how come I have a boatload of algae growth all around mine and yours is so pristine?

Or should that be a separate thread?
is there water coming out of the holes? if not yeah its on the wrong line. they might also just not be big enough. as far as algae goes i have a deep sand bed fuge with live rock and chaeto and a phosban reactor.
The holes are tiny....water does jet out of them when the system is up and running.

Yeah, a fuge was going to be the next thing that I add to the set up, I just replaced my protein skimmer and she is a-humming along.

It was suggested that I get a media sock and add phosban. I went in search of it today, but neither of the stores that I stopped off at had any. (the downside to living in the sticks!) I have this brown ash looking stuff all over my live rock. I think this is the reason phosban was suggested.

Back to siphon issue.....your holes look tiny too. What size drill bit should I use? (ok, what size drill bit should I ask my brother in law to bring over and have him use?)
What's written on bar napkins makes the world go round. It still goes round even if you hang one foot off of the bed and place it onto the floor. SPINNIN!
Seeriously though. Get some people over there to help and start enjoying your new setup.
jt955;370512 wrote: oh come on you can do it, my holes are about 1/4 inch.

Thanks for your vote of confidence sweetie. I can do alot of things....turn a frown upside down, get a killer deal on a used car, get out of a speeding ticket, bake a cheesecake, pass a PreCal test without understanding one word that the teacher has uttered, successfully overbook my loading dock and make it all work out at the end of a long day and raise a teenage boy by myself. And....I could probably drill a couple of holes.....IF.....I had a drill. lol :lol2:

My brother-in-law is generally just a phone call away and he comes equipped with a drill!

Thanks to everyone for their help! I'll give him a call tomorrow and hopefully he will be able to come out in the next day or two. After the holes are drilled, I'll give'er a test run and report back as to how it went.

Hope to see ya'll at Cliff's tomorrow. I'll be the one winning the Tang! Then, I shall do my dance of joy!:yay: