Sump, how big should it be?

Yeppers....Cliff has a box o crap swap/frag swap/raffle going tomorrow.

Bring yourself and Colin on over (and all of the crap you can find). Its supposed to start at 6:00. AND....make sure you RSVP to his thread so you are entered in the Tang drawing (that I intend on winning).
Smoothie;370538 wrote: All outta prison jokes.
Sorry guys

hmmmm, I feel that I should say, I'm slightly disappointed. One could say I've now been left slightly unsatisfied.
ares;370511 wrote: somewhere in the run of the return line, drill more holes, make sure they are clear. drill 2 or 3. should solve the problem. the holes need to be underwater and pointing down for best results.

What do you mean, "clear". And why should they be underwater and pointing down? I would think that it would be better to have them at the waterline. (but then again, I'm the reason this thread got started....what the heck do I know?)
ga_daisy;370545 wrote: hmmmm, I feel that I should say, I'm slightly disappointed. One could say I've now been left slightly unsatisfied.
Ahhhh you're a women get used to it!
(Just kidding please.......another joke)
clear as in no algae or anything like that, underwater not sure why, i have always just drilled mine at the waterline.
jt955;370551 wrote: clear as in no algae or anything like that, underwater not sure why, i have always just drilled mine at the waterline.
Extra insurance
Smoothie;370517 wrote: What's written on bar napkins makes the world go round. It still goes round even if you hang one foot off of the bed and place it onto the floor. SPINNIN!
Seeriously though. Get some people over there to help and start enjoying your new setup.

Would love to, if things weren't so hectic right now. Maybe in a couple of weeks....things are winding down at work and I will be finished with summer semester soon. AND....I hate to have folks drag down here. I doubt there are very many reefers that are close by.....I'm amid the cow pastures! Though....with as much time as you guys have given me today on this thing.......ya'll could have made the journey.
Smoothie;370550 wrote: Ahhhh you're a women get used to it!
(Just kidding please.......another joke)

And a funny one! Someone with my sideways sense of humor....woohoo.
Cow pastures! Sounds like bat country. All we need is Hunter Thompson and some runnin shoes to be quick like a bunny.
Sounds like where I grew up and want to get back to. Seriously. More will be on to help tomorrow and honestly if need be someone will come to help. More than alot of good people in your area. Got any pics of the plumbing?
Barbara;370560 wrote: There are a few in Macon actually. But get JT over there. He's close and seems to know what he's talking about. The dude that sold you the tank probalby doesn't want to tinker with it anymore (probably got out of the hobby unless he set up another after selling his....). You want someone with a current passion. That's one of the benefits of being associated with this club. And don't worry about having folks over. I used to worry a lot about cleaning up the house before letting folks come over. Foreget about it. I've had folks over, and been to other folks' houses too, where they didn't worry about tidying up. Just get someone over there to help you. Don't feel bad; we all like to bounce ideas off each other, etc. Once I had a fellow reefer ask me to come over and just sit and talk to him for an hour or so about his new set-up. He asked me what I liked to drink; I said red wine. He had a nice bottle, we popped the cork and sat around and chewed the fat for about 2 hours and polished off that bottle of wine. I've never been back to his house; he's never been to mine. But that one time was really good for him to get a jump start. That's what you need. Get a club member over there and get your jump start and before you know it, you'll be giving advice to others!
Beautifully spoken. That's what it's all about camera is shot out and not sure I could get a decent one with my phone. I should have "borrowed" the camera from work. When I go back on Monday, I'll make sure to grab it.

If JT is available next weekend, other than finals.....I will have nothing going on (the party like a rock star single life that I live blows your mind doesn't it? lol)

Barb, the guy that I bought the set up from is sort of a relative. Its my (have another drink so you can follow this one) ex husband's cousin. Well, ok that didn't sound too complex. Anyways.....he has helped a bit with the tank since the set up, but you are right, he is out of it so I try to leave him be on this. Plus, his weekends are usually jammed with playing drums with a band. He had planned on hooking up my RO/DI for me, but long story short, wrong fittings or something from HD and he hasn't made it back out my way yet. That was three weeks ago. AND (no offense guys), he is one of those men that likes to make things sound more difficult than they have to be by talking in circles and making too many "could be" or "you might want to" or "whatever you wanna do" comments. I'm a black and white kinda girl. Tell me what I need, keep it simple, direct, straight to the point and I can deliver.....give me too many options and too many instructions that I already don't know anything about and kablammmmm, my brain implodes!
Barbara;370572 wrote: Crap! Look at all the typos. Dammm martinis! I think I need to go to bed now.
Way past ya on Jack Daniels promise.
I didn't even notice the typo's. I was being serious
ares;370575 wrote: clear as in clear of algea (for the existing ones). and down and under water because they will shoot out water, you want them as close to the water line as you can get them, while still being submerged. if they are out of the water they'll be noisy, possibly make bubbles down in the tank with their stream of water.

Now it makes sense. Thanks.