Tank massacre...


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so after 4 hours sleep wife wakes me up saying my new sailfin looks like its been in world war 3, i go to put him back in the acclimation tank. i QT for a day he was eating fine had been in tank 2 days.
unpon inspection all my fish where dead hiding under rocks corals. i have a pair of oc clowns and a pajama cardinal doing their thing all parameters are spot on and my shrimp and coral have no skipped a beat.
is it possible for a fish to freak out and kill everyone? sail fin and anthias trio are new, yellow tang 2 years old, royal gamma about 1.5 years old, everyone was doing fine no fights nothing all eating.
I'm beyond sick, then after a mcgriddle in bed for fathers day my wife washed my new samsung edge.. I'm having a great day.
take a volt meter and see if you have stray voltage
check power heads and pumps for leakage
did the subtrate get barraged?

what are your parameters?
only thing elevated was phos @ 0.03 by hannah, it was 0 on wednesday, everything else was 0.
alk was @ 131 by hannah also. I'm measure for restating dosing right now.
ph 8.0 temp 78.4 tank controlled by apex my orp is 441.
power heads are QD mp40's, heaters are titanium, skmmier is sv223 and return in RO DC5500 all less than 2 months old.
whole the sail fin and royal jammed looked rough. yellow tang was wedged in rocks had large lump on side and my anthias where wedged between glass and rocks looked whole.
what corals do you have in the tank.
do you have an anemone?

not sure what looking rough means. fins messed up?
then i have some monti, birds nest, few zoo colonies, torch, 2 frogspawn, GSP, pulsing xen etc..
they all look great, i even have a large leather that seems to close up if you poot near the tank lol.
Russ-IV;1039518 wrote: what corals do you have in the tank.
do you have an anemone?

not sure what looking rough means. fins messed up?

sorry my British still come out, fins seemed ok but bodies looks bashed, color seemed patchy?
Madcanary;1039522 wrote: they all look great, i even have a large leather that seems to close up if you poot near the tank lol.

i had that happen before a semi crash as well. the next day bad stuff happened.

1 fish is not gonna go on a duke nukem killing spree ime. especially a sailfin. sailfin and yellow tang will duke it out a lil but it wouldnt be as catastrophic as im hearing.

i was trying to see if it was chemical warfare
substrate disturbance
stray voltage
mechanical leak

how active is your protein skimmer?
inspect the sump? overflow?
yeah I'm at a loss too, if it wasn't for the lack of fish you couldn't tell there was a problem, i just upgraded a month ago from a 75 to a 120 so all my equip is pretty much new all my bigger stuff was running on the 120 for a few months before i moved the livestock and rest of LR over, tank has been stable for over a month i went to bed at 4am, wife woke me up at 8 saying come check the tank. i have no idea.
I'm going to re check all my parameters again in a few hours, i went through all my APEX logs and graphs nothing out of whack there. i guess ill wait see if the big crash comes......
Madcanary;1039525 wrote: yeah I'm at a loss too, if it wasn't for the lack of fish you couldn't tell there was a problem, i just upgraded a month ago from a 75 to a 120 so all my equip is pretty much new all my bigger stuff was running on the 120 for a few months before i moved the livestock and rest of LR over, tank has been stable for over a month i went to bed at 4am, wife woke me up at 8 saying come check the tank. i have no idea.
I'm going to re check all my parameters again in a few hours, i went through all my APEX logs and graphs nothing out of whack there. i guess ill wait see if the big crash comes......

do you have a drop heater that you moved over?

id think corals and btas would react accordingly as well but just want to rule it out
sorry, but stray voltage is a myth...it can't stray...

if you have a short, stand in a bucket of water, and stick your hand in tank...that will tell you right way! lol....

seriously, you can out one end of a voltmeter in tank and other grounded....that would tell you if a piece of equipment has a short.

Make sure Alk stays there (close), 24-7...7 days a week, etc....

disease, water parems, anemone, aggressive fish, poor nutrition....etc...that's where u should look.
Most likely, you would read voltage in every tank tested. That likely will not tell you anything but lead you down the wrong path IMO. Salt water is an electrolyte. Put it in motion and you have a battery. Measure voltage from that to a grounded outlet and you will read something. But that does not mean there is a short. JMO
rdnelson99;1039538 wrote: Most likely, you would read voltage in every tank tested. That likely will not tell you anything but lead you down the wrong path IMO. Salt water is an electrolyte. Put it in motion and you have a battery. Measure voltage from that to a grounded outlet and you will read something. But that does not mean there is a short. JMO

true, but not enough to effect livestock! it is beyond low..what they are talking about are "shorts"