tank of the month

If we wanted to set up a small voting comittee, I would be willing to be on it. I would love to help taking pictures and writing up a synopsis of the tank that would do it justice. I know I am a new member, but I have over 5 years saltwater experience and am definately willing to put in some time for a TOTM.
as far as a voting committee goes it should be posted in a thread like when we did the callendar pics, so everyone can vote on tanks in specific categories. Thats my thoughts.
Umm, why would anybody choose not to have a TOTM? It's not an issue of having one vs. not - it just needs someone to take the initiative.

I strongly believe that we should NOT have a "voting committee" of several people that decide what is best. That's just a can of worms that doesn't need to be opened.

Instead, I suggest we have a "TOTM committee" that organizes who is currently submitted, getting a writeup about the winning tank, posts it on the website, etc, but the votes go back to the entire club to determine which one wins.
well I threw myself out there to possibly head it but I belive FI did as well, but I could be a part of the committee if need be....although if were gonna need to meet I dont think i can promise any of that, I'm extememly busy at work and work stupid long hours; but if anything can be done in front of a computer, def. count me in!
Not that I am against competition, but having a public vote probably creates as many or more problems than it would solve. People are pretty passionate about their tanks and having it publicly judged seems like a big issue waiting to happen. I think selecting a tank of the month (or quarter) via closed comittee is a better idea and might save some hard feelings. Don't tell people who are in the running for that month just publish which tank got tank of the month that way people won't get upset for losing on any given month (or quarter).

As an example, I would kill Brandon for cheating if his tank ever beat mine out. Mine is clearly superior in every way. Seriously, we can't have civil discussions about some pretty basic stuff around here and we want to create an open competition between tanks... I fear some of the results. I thought we were going to come to blows over the whale death incident and this seems like it would be more volatile.

Thats my two cents and certainly opinion only.
Cameron makes some good points here. The voting method he recommends should definately be considered but I would still like to see the memebers have a hand in the voting.
yeah but then you run into favoritism, there will be no talking about tanks, it'll be a list of tanks up for the running of lets say "nano" or "SPS dom" and have pics up of just the tank, no names so noone knows whos it is, well I'm sure some of us will know, but keep that to yourself. then you just vote to which one you think is best for that category. Whos bashing others tanks??? who would do that??? and why would you enter a contest of your gonna get all bent out of shape if you dont win? Its all for fun and to show peole your tank and to educate others on what you do to keep it looking great. This is a positive addition to this club and needs to be added asap! We just need to keep it as an open voting, this is a community of/for all not of/for a few.
Favoratism would only happen once for a tank and then it is over. A public vote creates a popularity issue in comparison. People are more likely to vote the person as they are the tank. If I know you and I have been over to your house to see your tank, it is likely I am going to vote for you. Some tanks deserve to win in multiple categories so they could easily be TOTM several months in a year.

Losing out to a tank you or someone else feels is not as good could (not saying it would) be an issue. Competition does not always bring out the best in people especially when the material is so subjective. We get into arguements and debates on pretty much everything (cars, skimmers, whale deaths, how we should behave on the forums, etc) so I don't know why this would be any different.

I believe giving the TOTM (or TOTQ) is better as an award rather than winning a contest. If you didn't get the award in a given month, you likely wouldn't even know if you were considered. Recognizing a tank as being good enough for TOTM (or TOTQ) just doesn't seem as potentially controversial as someone beating out 3-4 other tanks in a month.
well I think there would have to be limits tho, like you can only win it once a year if done quarterly or maybe twice if monthly or even a year too. Granted there is going to be debates but you as a person make it what it is. I just think having a committee that votes on this will kill the whole openess were trying to convey with this club...I dont know, thats just my thoughts. but were just two people giving our thoughts, maybe we should have a poll so the people can decide???
I think this is a great idea.. I have a few suggestions. For voting we as a club have people send in their tank pics if they want to be considered. Then someone posts a poll with pics and no names attached. Then when a winner is selected by voting a good photographer goes to their house and takes some pics then a write up can be done. The only draw back I see in doing it this way is that with every reef club you will find "trends" Lets says that the ARC may be a mostly SPS populated club. So if a really nice softy tank is posted people may not vote for it because it is not SPS dominant. If everyone remains very open minded and non biased I think this would work great! Just my 2 cents
Only club member can vote....none of this I don't want to belong to the club but I want to participate in club functions BS..Lock out any non club member.

You want to vote, join the freaking club!!

What ya think?
Ya I agree with both alan's and todd's posts... I think this is a great idea and I think we can all act like adults about it... Well that is except for Cameron, he can not get over the fact that my tank is nicer then his even though he has all the toys for his tank! Just wait till I have the 55gal and the 40gal... He is going to be really jealous then!!! ;)
wow i didnt know that starting this tread would have such responce i was just curious more thatn anything about the fact that we didnt have one but im glad to see that it is all coming together
yeah I completely agree with todd that only members can submit and vote, awesome idea man! And I'ld like to see certain types of tanks, like, one month a SPS tank sumission, one month softies, then pico, blah blah blah you get the idea, and I think we should regulate how often someone can win, that way there is no overpower. And quite honestly I dont think its necessary to actually "win" something, unless sponsors want to be generous and give something, like Stevhan has so graceously said he would. I think its just nice to have this idea, I mean I wouldnt expect anything if my tank for some reason won...but thats me, I'm content with my pics up on the site on the main page or something like that. Alright, anyone else have ideas???? shoot them out!
I see alot of interest. Now we need someone to step up and coordinate a TOTM. ARC needs a TOTM Coordinator. If we as a club want this then us members need to make it happen. If it is done tactfully and organized then I doubt the BOD will have a problem.
I think I should be the TOTM Coordinator! I would actually do a very good job!!!:up: :up: :up: :up: :blush: :shout::roll: :D
I think that is awesome! Now I would figure a method and submit it to the BOD and see if they approve. If they do then implement it. Congrats!!!
Xyzpdq0121;53159 wrote: Ya I agree with both alan's and todd's posts... I think this is a great idea and I think we can all act like adults about it...
I really hope we all act like adults and I think there is a chance that others will respect other peoples tank work win or lose... historically it would seem this will not be true however. I personally don't like having my tank judged as I think tanks are art in progress not results. I also feel odd submitting my tank for competition even though it would mop the floor with Brandons ;). I like that as a club we would recognize someones hard work, but I fear that tanks with the most money and time will win out more often. Almost like you need a class style setup. Here is the unlimited, here is the sub 2000, over here is the sub 1000... etc. You can get a nice tank for 10k and have fishy come every week to keep it running and not put a lick of work in on it.... is that better than say Brandons which is done on a budget with sweat? I guess the membership will decide. If we do go this route, I think a small write up is in order to put pictures into context.

If you do themes, don't forget what is under, behind and in other rooms. I would love to see groups for best fuge, best sump room, best use of compact space, clever plumbing, most done on a budget, best DIY setup, etc.