tank of the month

How about a "Featured Tank of the Month" instead of the [Best] "Tank of the Month"? Instead of focusing on who has the *nicest* tank, focus on setup, creatures, lighting, etc, etc. Members could submit their tanks, and the committee could decide what is different about the next tank that merits it being discussed. I may have 1000w halides, but Stevhan's LED lighting is just as unique.

We could easily make the votes happen in the ARC Members forum - this forum can only be used by ARC Members.

Lastly, I'd like to see the featured tanks be written up in the wiki, so that a) we have an ongoing log, and b) we can format the heck out of them, and make them really nice looking. I can come up with a template to get us started, although I'd gladly let someone else make the template.
alright I got the idea of the century......instead of having a tank of the month, because I guess some peoples worries are others judging their tanks, why dont we have a featured tank....this way all of the members can have a chance to have their tank "featured". There are no contests, and if you want your tank to be featured you submit it and eventually we'll get around to your tank and have a write up and pics for it. This is the only alternative I can think of so its fair and everyone gets a go at it, and if you dont want your tank to be featured, dont submit it. Granted this completely take away from the totm idea, but it looks like there is yet again differances in here and this ensures the participation of the members and a chance for each individual to shine.
^^??wtf??. ^^

that aside, i think a featured tank is a good idea as well, i was going to suggest some sort of non-contest form of a tank of the month. i think we could even go so far as to feature some display systems at local sponsors stores aka marine fish, etc.
For consideration, I would also add the amount of work people put in their tank. As much as I love the big tanks with all the lights and such, I am equally and often more impressed by those that stretch that dollar and create impressive tanks on a budget. I also love those that create their own stands and interesting DIY installations. I just couldn't vote between Big D and some of the other custom jobs around for best cabinetry month. I could select Big Ds tank though as a featured tank of the month as it is truly worthy.
Honestly, with time constraints, I would think tank of the quarter would work better, but then have several different catagories based on tank sizes. 1 tank in each division could win. IMHO

a winner in each division would be a great idea ... and then maybe an overall *Best Of Show* ?
glxtrix;53339 wrote: alright I got the idea of the century......instead of having a tank of the month, because I guess some peoples worries are others judging their tanks, why dont we have a featured tank....

Fine. You guys figure it out on your own. I've got better things to do with my time than hear my ideas chastised.
mojo;53520 wrote: Fine. You guys figure it out on your own. I've got better things to do with my time than hear my ideas chastised.

oh crap man I didnt even see your post about the featured tank, I'm sorry if you think I was stepping on your toes man, totally didnt mean that.
I like the featured tank idea as well (Chris/Lee)... noone seems to be offended</em> that way. However, we still don't have anyone organizing</em> despite the 40+ votes and 500+ views.
We can toss "ideas"</em> around forever but the only thing it takes to make it happen is someone to add some effort.
<span style="color: black;">OK. Lee, Jinny and "Ouling" (sorry I don't know your real name) all volunteered to head this committee. So, who's it going to be? Maybe you guys can take turns for each month so it doesn't become a burden.</span>
Cameron;53300 wrote: I also feel odd submitting my tank for competition even though it would mop the floor with Brandons ;).

Cameron;53300 wrote: is that better than say Brandons which is done on a budget with sweat?

Yes, my tank is done on a SHALLOW budget and the sweat that I have poured into the tank helps keep my SG around 1.025! ;) It is not about the money you put in, but the love... I love my rockwork, I love my coral selection, I think about everything that goes in and how it will look 6 months down the road... Unlike Mr. Look at these 12 new frags I just picked up from petland but I do not know where to put them....

The featured tank is the best idea yet!
It's not like people are knocking down the door to be the head. One works to much :tongue: , another will probably be trying to figure out chemistry problems with his tank until he leaves the hobby :tongue: , and the final candidate says he can handle it.

Lee and Ouling I'm just messin' with you guys. All of these guys can do a great job
So, Jinny it is.... ;)

But seriously, I think it is a big committment and one that needs to be thought out, who is picked could make or break the idea. So I would like to see a list of people who would like to do it and have that list decided either in its own thread or by the BOD. That is what they are there for, make them work for their title! ;)
I just did a 8ml salifert calcium test and my calcium is dead at 420!!! WooWHOOO!!!!!! Alk could use some tinkering tho... 6.5 isn't good enough is it?? Let me go get the bicarbonate and borates.
I'm a new member, but tend to check this board everyday, and have participated in every club event since starting my membership. I'd gladly help out in anyway possible. Jinny or any of the others inmvolved, please call on me if you need anything.......

Ok. I have a away to get this over with. The next person to post in this thread heads this project.
I'ld still be willing to head it but like I had stated earlier, I'm limited with time to actually goto places or meet a lot....but I could make time with enough notice and I do have unlimited time online seeing I work infront of a computer 12+ hrs a day. I agree tho that we should submit names as to who is interested and then the BOD should decide who would best fit the title to run this. So I guess I'll start by sayin, I'll gladly run this....so who ever is interested, just state it again and hopefully with talks to Tony, Chris or whoever the names need to be ran by then a decision can be made.
OK, while I would not be the best candidate to run this, being I'm so new to the group, I can do the leg work glxtrix. I was a reporter for a short time for a small local newspaper, meeting with people, taking pictures (never of tanks before) and getting blurbs of info from them is something I'm experienced at. With 25 years experience in customer service to back me up, I can work with others with incedible ease!